Friday, August 31, 2007
Talking Heads Ad Nauseum
Heat Stroke Update
"It Was So Hot Today..." "How Hot Was It, Johnny?"

Lillie: Be sure you don't tap your paws (or tail) in a salacious way if anyone else goes in there.
Die, The People's Princess
The Enemy At Home

No. Turkey, like Iraq, offers a better model. This is the model of traditional Muslims who support modernization and free markets and free elections. These traditional Muslims are willing to work with America and they are fiercely opposed to Al Qaeda and to the radical Muslims. Yet at the same time they believe that traditional Muslim values that enjoy majority support sometimes should become the basis of law. I'm not Muslim and most of the readers of this blog surely aren't either. We don't support all these laws, but then Turkey is not our country. Why should America or the West dictate how the Turkish people govern themselves? Why is secular thuggery preferable to Muslim democracy?
And if you dirty leftists w/ your pop culture & secular values don't just stop it right now, it may be necessary to impose a little "religious democracy" here in the U.S. as well. After all, September 11th was your fault.
He's certainly setting out in some interesting directions here. As an immigrant from India who's managed to attach himself to the teat of the Wingnut Welfare Machine, he of course has the zealotry of the convert to inspire him, and as a Catholic (imagine how marginalized he was as a Catholic w/ Portugese colonialist ancestry in India) he is wide open to the fascism of religion, whether Christian or Islamic. Deeply rooted psychological (& logical) problems is our conclusion. Proof, from Wikipedia:
Prior to his marriage, D'Souza had relationships with two well-known female conservatives, Laura Ingraham, a nationally-syndicated radio commentator to whom he was engaged but never married, and best-selling conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter.
Pointless side note: While looking for a shot of Mr. D., the editor came across this Sound Politics (one of Washington State's leading wingnut sites) story concerning the editor's alma mater (is it one's alma mater if one didn't graduate?) deciding not to have D'Souza speak there. When the editor was there, way back in the last century, it was chock-full of the male children of the old money right wing buttwads who ran Seattle. And the editor suspects it hasn't changed that much (other than having gone co-ed) though of course now the parents are the editor's age, or younger, and they may have learned something their parents didn't. Damned liberal education.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
NASA & National Security

"Almost nobody at NASA does classified work," says Robert Nelson, a veteran scientist at JPL who heads up the photo analysis unit on the Cassini-Huygens space probe project exploring Saturn and its moons. "I think this is really all about NASA director [Michael] Griffin putting a security wrap around us."
The new security clearance requirement, which involves interviews of neighbors and checks into the distant background activities of scientists, many of whom have worked at JPL and Goddard for as long as thirty years, is puzzling because both locations have little or no involvement in secret or national
security research. Indeed, by law, NASA's activities and the research its scientists engage in are required to be publicly available.
America First W/ The Romney Campaign

Romney’s five sons appeared with their dad onstage in February when he announced his presidential bid in Dearborn, Mich., at the Henry Ford Museum, father of the American auto assembly line. But all of Romney’s boys are foreign car owners, and most have never owned an American vehicle, records show.
The parking lot at Romney’s Commercial Street campaign headquarters could be mistaken for a high-end foreign car dealership as staffers drive Lexus SUVs, Mercedes-Benzes, BMWs, Audis and Saabs, many adorned with Mitt Romney campaign stickers.
But Romney has touted American-made cars, including during his presidential kickoff speech at the Ford Museum. At the event, he stood in front of a Ford hybrid SUV and a white Nash Rambler as a soundtrack of all-American music played at the event.
Bo Diddley Is a Gun Slinger

Loud, Fast & Stoopid

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Virgo. (So what.) Named Charles. Went by a diminutive of Charles, Charlie. Only child. And that's about where the similarities w/ Just Another Blog's™ editor end. (The Editor goes by another diminutive of Charles, & it ain't "Chuck!" And he did learn most of "Louie Louie" on the soprano in college. Now there was some honkin'!!)
Music available here.
Hideous UPDATE: Today is also Michael Jackson's B-Day (1958). The less said the better.
Bow Tie Justice (W/ Updated Link)

The MSNBC host has serious masculinity issues. He said that Obama "seems like kind of a wuss" and "It makes you wonder what he won't compromise of himself. Are we going to have mani/pedi parties next?" because the presidential candidate belongs to a book club.Just Another Blog™ does have to question the above paragraph a bit. If the "hit him against the stall with his head," event was perpetrated in high school, we don't think it was because Tucker was "so wound up about his manhood" by the Freepers questioning his masculinity, as Pam suggests. The Freepers weren't bugging him in high school. But it's pretty obvious that a bow tie wearing twerp's masculinity would be under question in the behavioral sink of high school, especially if Tuck was sporting bow ties then.
As I've noted before, Tucker has to deal with Freepers continually questioning his masculinity and sexual orientation; I guess it leaves him so wound up about his manhood that he can't simply tell the bathroom perv he's not interested or report the guy to the cops. Think about it -- he came back with a friend to bash the guy. Nice.
Media Matters has the full transcript & video, as well as a disingenuous response from Bow Tie Daddy himself. And see Just Another Blog's™ previous take on Tucker.Photos above & to the right: No one could possibly question this person's macho, could they? And below: How you would live if "mater" were the Swanson heiress. Photo: Daniel Norton.

Levee Failure + 2
Moozlims On Mars? Jihad On Jupiter? Sharia On Saturn? Debbie On Drugs?

Al-Jumaily worked at the highest levels of NASA as a jet propulsion engineer on the Mars Rover Team and in that capacity had high-level security clearances and access to classified information.

And the presence of Jumaily on the Brotherhood's American board confirms what has long been known: that the Brotherhood is part of Al-Qaeda and should be put on the State Department terrorist list.
And Al-Jumaily had access to government officials at the highest levels. Top FBI, ICE and Justice Department officials repeatedly broke pita with him. That includes current U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III (a Bush Federal Court of Appeals nominee), past Bush U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan/Ohio, Brian Moskowitz, and several FBI Special Agents in Charge.
But now we know, he was far more than that--a high-ranking member of the Muslim Brotherhood. And he helped carry out its "grand jihad [against] Western civilization."
**** EXCLUSIVE - MUST CITE Debbie Schlussel and link to (That Means You, Sean Hannity, WorldNutDaily, and Steven Emerson) ****
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
"Gem Of The Mountains"
You just have to love local telebision, especially small town local telebision. Sac'to's Channel 13 shows us how to cruise a tearoom. Dig the sandals.

It is a little-acknowledged secret that many active homosexuals will have more than 1,000 sex partners over the course of a lifetime (the average among heterosexuals is seven – still six more than we were designed for).If you have more than one is your warranty invalid?
And, their "regretful" call for Sen. Craig's resignation.
After that you'll want to look at "Idaho Blows." Just Another Blog™ has always thought of Idaho as that narrow place between Washington State & Montana, but the author of "Give Idaho Back to Britain" takes a closer look, & doesn't like what he finds.
And Michelle Malkin calls Senator Craig a "supremely arrogant, lying crapweasel." Projection, we assume. And what is a "crapweasel?" A high school word? Considering Lady Eminem's repressed cheerleader desires, it just could be: "Now that I'm in 10th grade, doody-head just doesn't sound very mature any more."
Stall Kickin' Mule Denies All

Sen. Larry Craig on Tuesday said the only thing he had done wrong was to plead guilty after a complaint of lewd conduct in a men’s room. He declared, “I am not gay. I never have been gay.”Here, again, is the Statesman story. (Gotta love it when a member of the Party of Religion & McCarthy calls "witchhunt." "Jiminy God," as the Senator likes to say.)
Craig also lashed out at the Idaho Statesman newspaper, which reported Monday that, according to an anonymous source, Craig had a homosexual encounter in a Washington train station. Craig accused the paper of waging a witch hunt against him.
Like Jelly On A Plate
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Russia's Kuril Islands, the U.S. Geological Survey said MondayAnd w/ the country burning up, the last thing needed in Greece was this:
ATHENS, Greece - A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 struck the western Greek island of Kefalonia on Monday, the Athens Geodynamic Institute said. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

Megatron In A Barrel

It wasn't long after I stopped writing short stories that it occurred to me that dying old, desperate and alone probably wasn't nearly as inspiring for the people it happened to as it was for twenty-year olds looking for an excuse to smoke too much.Huh? At least she stopped writing short stories. We can't imagine why.

Another Mule (With A "Wide Stance") Kickin' In My Stall

First of all, there's plenty of action in the Orlando, Fla. area. Literal "open season" in this story:
Police: Former Marine Killed 2 Others, Self
Motive For Shootings Unknown, Officials Say
The Orange County Sheriff's Office did not reveal a potential motive for Jason Robert Drake, 30. Deputies determined that he killed Ralph Gonzalez, a well-known 39-year-old GOP political consultant, and David Abrami, a 36-year-old attorney also active for the Republican Party.
Lovers' Quarrel May Have Sparked Murder-Suicide
Prominent Republican Party Consultant, 2 Others Found Dead
Rep. Allen's Solicitation Trial Date Set
Official Accused Of Offering $20 To Perform Oral Sex
Statements police said Allen made about being scared of a "stocky, black man," will not be entered into evidence. Also, taped statements Allen made to Assistant Chief John Lau will also be excluded, as previously agreed to by both sides.
Craig stated “that he has a wide stance when going to the bathroom and that his foot may have touched mine,” the report states. Craig also told the arresting officer that he reached down with his right hand to pick up a piece of paper that was on the floor.
“It should be noted that there was not a piece of paper on the bathroom floor, nor did Craig pick up a piece of paper,” the arresting officer said in the report.
For conservative group the Idaho Values Alliance the news was unexpected. "There are some disturbing elements to the police report and I think the Senator needs to give the public a thorough explanation," Bryan Fischer from Idaho Values Alliance told CBS 2 Eyewitness News.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Read It & Weep

Poverty in America is primarily a cultural phenomenon, driven by a shattered work ethic and sexual irresponsibility. Child poverty would be nearly obliterated if every household had one adult working full time and married parents.
Trouble At The CupOn The Web

Bombs Away!! Follow Up

The resumption of the long-range patrols, recent tests of a new generation of intercontinental missiles and the resumption of large-scale exercises have taken place against the backdrop of new strains in ties between Russia and the West.Oh well. Guess the Doomsday Clock can go back a few seconds.
Russia has 79 strategic bombers in service including 64 Tupolev-95MC, known as Bears by NATO pilots, and 15 Tupolev-160, known as Blackjacks by NATO, according to Russian media.
"There is deep modernization (of the bomber fleet) going on," Androsov said. "We are working on a new generation (of bombers), I don't even know what it will be called."
Gonzales Gone?

From The Sitemeter

And a great big all American "Howdy!" to the Woosh Wireless user in Auckland, N. Z., who comes by & actually spends a few minutes reading this crap. Good for you, & don't be shy, leave a comment sometime, we don't bite!
Patriotism Is The First Refuge Of A Scoundrel

And when it fades or is otherwise too damaged for repair, the flag is to be burned in a dignified ceremony. The flag is only to be displayed from local sunrise until local sunset, unless it is illuminated.
"Wimoweh, Wimoweh"

Alluding to former Secretary of State Colin Powell and his successor, Condoleezza Rice, who was then national security adviser, Khalilzad continued: “Powell and Condi were incredulous. Powell called me and asked: ‘What happened?’The next time some neo-fascist dipstick says something to the effect of: "Oh no, there's no racism in the Bush administration, look at Condie Rice & Colin Powell," remember that they have been/were so completely marginalized by the warmongers that they're barely tokens. And you don't think their somewhat darker skin tones would make it easier for the good ol' boys to ignore them, do you? Go ahead, call us cynical. We are, & we have every reason to be so.
And I said, ‘You’re secretary of state and you’re asking me what happened!’ ”
Powell confirmed his astonishment. “The plan was for Zal to go back,” he said. “He was the one guy who knew this place better than anyone. I thought this was part of the deal with Bremer. But with no discussion, no debate, things changed. I was stunned.”
One can't expect much of Dr. Rice, erstwhile member of the Chevron board of directors (fill in your own blanks about her relationship w/ Mr. Bush) but one can hope General Powell will write a book about how he was essentially fucked royally at every turn by Cheney & the neo-cons. He really should be doing that right now, if he's got any guts. Oops. Forgot about his role covering up the My Lai massacre back there in 'Nam. Never mind.

Sunday, August 26, 2007
21st Century Willie & Joe

Mr. Peabody (check the comments) brings to our attention a 21st century grunt (Do they still call themselves that?) writing from Mesopotamia/Babylon (at least until the Pentagon weasel-dick monitoring this "web log" finds out & shuts him down) "Army of Dude." None of that WWII pencil & paper crap, censored & known only to the family & friends of the writer. (Until Ken Burns gets ahold of it & has a voice over artist read it over pans across some still photos.) "Dude" has a laptop, & must have access to a satellite link, or Wi-Fi, or a landline to a server somewhere. And he has a digital camera, photos available hither, under the name "˜leavethegun."
Never did read the Scott Beauchamp stuff in TNR (possibly hidden behind the subscription wall) but we wonder what the warlovers & chickenhawks will make of Dude. It's all required reading, but these seemed like the best excerpts:
Do you know what the light at the end of the tunnel is for us?
Yeah, food. When we're on patrols and house clearing missions, what's keeping us going is not the promise of freedom and democracy in Iraq. It's the vision of hamburgers, fries and ice cream. I can live without a market based economy in the Middle East, but I can't live without a toasted ham sandwich.
Several times we have raced back to the base to get to the dining hall as it closed. Something to eat is the high point of the day. Imagine the low points.[...]
As Kurt Vonnegut suggested, our morale is shot to pieces. The few tattered remains left were eviscerated when they extended us four months. The most devious trick the media and the government has pulled in the last ten years is suggesting to the public that the soldiers believe in the mission and the war itself. In my unit that is definitely not the case. We just fight for food and friends, and the hope of getting home. I know a few people who still believe in the cause. I would know one more, but he died when I was on leave.
Readers, fear not! Despite the caustic undertone of this entry, I am glimmering with hope. The dining hall opens in ten minutes for breakfast, and they make some killer omelettes.
[graphic from the hideous]
The military is obsessed with taking something and renaming it with a totally different term. A jumping jack is a side straddle hop, and any Islamic terrorist not affiliated with Al Qaeda is a concerned local. When a mission is complete, there is a rollup of killed enemies and found weapons. A rollup is another term for a summary. So I present my own summary (er, rollup) for the time my company has spent between June 2006 and June 2007:
525,600 Minutes Passed
"They call the boys who shovel our shit in Viet Nam shitshovelers."Countless Enemies Killed and Captured
3 Destroyed Strykers
Dozens of Rifles, RPGS and Mines Found and Destroyed
2 Fatherless Baby Girls
Thousands of Rounds of Ammunition Found and Destroyed
9 Figure Severance Paycheck to Dick Cheney, Courtesy of Halliburton
3 Cleared Cities
2 Dead Friends
100,000 Contractors Making Five Times My Pay for Doing Laundry and Serving Food
Thousands of Cleared Houses
1 Quagmire
A year later and this is what we have to show for it. A year later and we care about the survival of each other more than a fledgling democracy in the Middle East. To officers and officials influencing policy, our goal is to stimulate the economy and prop up competent Iraqi Security Forces. To the unwashed enlisted in the muck, we’re just trying not to get blown to fucking bits. A year later and we have realized finally: we’re biding time until the next unit comes to replace us. That’s it. Rotate in, rotate out. A year’s worth of sore backs, twisted ankles, near death experiences, shootouts, blown up buildings, fires, mangled corpses, dead kids, dead soldiers, cold desert nights, hot desert days, shit covered boots, trash filled streets, unfulfilled dreams, stagnant aspirations and murdered futures.
A year well spent.
End the occupation. Now. The military will never be able to impose a "political" solution to the charnel house we've created, and now that the talk is of replacing the elected Prime Minister w/ yet another buffoon, Allawi (who, by all that is unholy, has hired Washington lobbyists to pimp for his appointment as P. M.) the Viet Nam analogy is complete.
Early Sunday Morning Chronic Brain Syndrome w/ The Angry Samoans
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Bombs Away!!!

Motor City MadmanHas-Been Comes Through W/ Mature Political Discourse
Annals Of Pants-Pissing

But after the inevitable failure of Islamic movements to provide an adequate response to the challenge of modernity, what will Muslims embrace? The only thing left, at that point, will be the ever elusive “moderate Islam,” a new, modernity-compatible faith that retains the name of Islam but jettisons all the substance (kind of like mainline Protestantism).
But Muslims have to come to that conclusion on their own, by living under regimes that will exemplify that failure (like Iran).
Here’s the way it will play out: When Iran’s Islamic regime finally unravels, some significant number of nominal Muslims will quickly become apostates, embracing Bahai or Zoroastrianism or Christianity (or Buddhism or even Judaism). As this becomes a more widespread and public thing, some of the many remaining fundamentalists will start beheading newly Christian school children and raping newly Zoroastrian women and blowing up newly constructed Bahai temples, intensifying the existing popular disgust with the Islamic faith and thus accelerating conversions to other
Thus there will still be hundreds of millions of Muslims, now living side by side with large new non-Muslim communities, but their Islam will be qualitatively different from anything that has gone by that name in the past. It will take a lifetime to work its way through the Islamic world, and we must do our best to ensure that relatively few of our own people are killed in the inevitable tsunami of violence that is coming, but there really isn’t any alternative.
Okey-dokey. Attempts to impose "democracy" have worked out so well, we'll be able to spread Zoroastrianism like whipped butter on a short stack. And we'll be able to do this by "separationism."
“Separationism” is the isolation of Islam from the rest of the world through military action, restrictions on immigration, and other means, presumably including a radically more aggressive search for alternative automobile fuels.
Pretty much the same thing that was being done to Iraq before the opposite was decided upon. These ninnies don't even have straws at which to grasp any more. And this sort of inanity is being spread by the magazine that fired Ann Coulter for her famous "invade their countries, kill their leaders & convert them to Christianity" statement. Now it looks like "blockade their countries, assassinate their leaders, & hope enough of them convert to something else that Islam will mellow out." Don't hold your breath.
P. S.: OKC bomber Timothy McVeigh was a Roman Catholic. Do you think we needed to "shock & awe" the Vatican? Put all those dirty fucking Bishops under surveillance? Hell, when pedophile priests were running wild (& they may still be, since the R. C. Church is so interested in keeping everything it can under wraps) there wasn't this hysteria. This is the stern, manly Daddy Party? Pants-pissing Pussy Party is more like it.
Friday, August 24, 2007
We Again Channel Larry King's Newspaper Column

More Music For Morons
- Sweatin' Like a Pig -- Southland Scumbagz
- What's That Smell? -- Hot Tuna
- Earth Angel -- The Abductees
- Blow Me, Blow My Goat -- Bottlecaps & Bongos
- Étude for Uke & Banjo -- Skillet & LeRoy
- Get Offa My Couch -- Leonard Maltin
- Mr. Roboto -- Styx (Tagg Romney remix, f/ Donny & Marie)
- Born To Be Wild -- Mike & The Hucktones
- There's No A/C in Hell, Sinners! -- Bible Thumpin' Bob
- Under The Wheel -- Retrovirus
- Bonus Comedy Item: Dolomite -- Rudy Ray Moore
Favicon Update
Dog Pile On Bloody Bill!!

"The fact remains that it is today more possible than ever before to envision a future in which the Middle East and the Muslim world truly are transformed," he insisted. "For this, no one will deserve more credit than George W. Bush." Of course, this was an opinion, not a "fact." But the failure to distinguish between fact and opinion is typical of his mentality.
The vileness and chutzpah of the current neocon right on the war are still somewhat staggering to me. I thought better of them. I really did. But this Weimar crapola is really depressing. I guess they have nowhere else to go.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Virgo Activity & Info

Tactile, methodical and willing to take as long as is needed, they make excellent lovers. Even though the Virgo won't express many words of love, they will show their affections in the bedroom. Virgos prefer to have a few strong connections rather than many partners.
Well ladies, there you have it. Line forms over there, take a number, please.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Loving Wife Spanking In A Christian Marriage
CDD is so much more than just spanking. It is the husband loving the wife enough to guide and teach her, and the wife loving the husband enough to follow his leadership. A Christian marriage embodies true romance and a Christian man a true hero.The discipline is unilateral, of course. It's those potentially uppity women who need guidance & teaching. And if homeschooling taught them to bake, but neglected reading, well, it's up to hubby to explain & enforce God's Law. And don't you forget it, bee-yotch!!

Annals Of Sportsmanship
dodger blues tells the story:
Dodger catcher John Roseboro was a clutch hitter and classy fielder, but he's remembered most for an incident in 1965, considered by many to be one of baseball's uglier moments. Juan Marichal, the San Francisco Giants pitcher, came up to bat in the third inning of a game at Candlestick Park. Marichal had hit a Dodger player earlier and a peeved Roseboro had been firing Sandy Koufax's pitches back to him just inches from Marichal's ear as he took his turn at bat.
Marichal turned around to tell Roseboro to stop and Roseboro stood up and took off his mask. Marichal saw this as a threat and immediately hit the catcher over the head with the bat twice, opening a 2-inch gash in Roseboro's head. With blood gushing down Roseboro's face, the two teams—already heated rivals battling for the NL pennant—brawled for 14 minutes. Marichal was suspended for eight games, and Roseboro later sued him for $110,000 in damages. Yet, the two men somehow became friends in the 1980s.

On August 22, 1965, Marichal faced Sandy Koufax at Candlestick Park in the heat of a tight pennant race. The Giants and Dodgers had come close to a brawl two days earlier over catcher's interference calls. Los Angeles's Maury Wills had allegedly tipped Tom Haller's mitt with his bat on purpose, and Marichal's best friend, Matty Alou, retaliated by tipping John Roseboro's face mask. Roseboro nearly beaned Alou with his return throw to the mound. In the August 22 game, Marichal had flattened Wills and Ron Fairly with pitches when Roseboro purportedly asked Koufax to hit Marichal. When Koufax refused, Roseboro's return throw came close to Marichal's head. Name-calling ensued, until Roseboro suddenly ripped off his mask and stood up. Marichal rapped the catcher on the head with his bat. What followed was one of the most violent brawls in major league history. Willie Mays led away Roseboro, who had suffered a concussion, while Dodger Bob Miller tackled Marichal, Alou slugged Miller, and Tito Fuentes menaced the Dodgers with his bat. Roseboro sued Marichal, but eventually dropped the suit. Marichal was fined $1750, was suspended for a week, and missed two starts as the Giants finished two games behind the Dodgers. Years later, Marichal said, "I feel sorry that I used the bat."
![]() |
Photo from Neil Leifer. |
Currently, they are battling for last place in the NL Western division.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
These Are Your Rights!!

d. 22 December 2002. Hard to believe he's
only 13 mos. older than The Editor of this "web log." Harder to believe he's been dead almost five yrs., & only lived 50. On the right,
in better times. Below, a memorial mural on NYC's Avenue A. At the bottom, a recognition of current SoCal weather, palm trees & backyard diving boards. L. A. always sucks 'em in.

Why We'll Be Glad To Have The Second Amendment (And Wish We Had Some RPGs & Armor, Too)

By elevating popular fancy over truth, Democracy is clearly an enemy of not just truth, but duty and justice, which makes it the worst form of government. President Bush must overcome not just the situation in Iraq, but democratic government.
If President Bush copied Julius Caesar by ordering his army to empty Iraq of Arabs and repopulate the country with Americans, he would achieve immediate results: popularity with his military; enrichment of America by converting an Arabian Iraq into an American Iraq (therefore turning it from a liability to an asset); and boost American prestiege [sic] while
terrifying American enemies.
(Note: "his army.") Next he goes to on suggest that if the above is done, Bush will have the American military on his side & be able to cancel the 2008 elections & start a Pax Americana, w/ Bush in charge for as long as he wants!!! I kid you not.
It's all over the web. Just Another Blog™ got it from Sadly, No!, who found it @ Hullabaloo.
Monday, August 20, 2007
O. C. Fatwa: God, Please Kill My
Left-Leaning Enemies
Pastor asks followers to pray for his critics to die His response comes after a call to the IRS about a political endorsement he issued on church letterhead. By Dave McKibben August 16, 2007The religion named after the "Prince of Peace" comes through again. You have to love how the pants-wetting, "they're outbreeding us," Islamo-Nazi under every bed & behind every curtain element of Wingnuttia (Element? Isn't that virtually every one of them?) thinks it's hee-lariously ironic to label Muhammadism the "Religion of Peace." Here's a clue, dipsticks: All religions are evil, because they are all lies, used to keep simpletons like yourselves under control w/o wasting money & resources on the project. Godhead is tyranny, a fatwa is a fatwa, and Christianism's lies about peace & love are no different than any crap spouted by Those Who Must Wash Their Feet to Pray. All stupid, all evil, all the damn time. Any questions?
Wiley S. Drake, a Buena Park pastor and a former national leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, called on his followers to pray for the deaths of two leaders of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
The request was in response to the liberal group's urging the IRS on Tuesday to investigate Drake's church's nonprofit status because Drake endorsed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for president on church letterhead and during a church-affiliated Internet radio show.
Drake said Wednesday he was "simply doing what God told me to do" by targeting Americans United officials Joe Conn and Jeremy Leaming, whom he calls the enemies of God."
"God says to pray imprecatory prayer against people who attack God's church," he said. "The Bible says that if anybody attacks God's people, David said this is what will happen to them. . . . Children will become orphans and wives will become widows."
Imprecatory prayers are alternately defined as praying for someone's misfortune, or an appeal to God for justice."
Let his days be few; and let another take his office," the prayer reads. "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
Conn said he was "startled" at Drake's reaction to the complaint against Drake's First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park.
"We expected him to try to defend his actions," Conn said.
"Instead he goes on spiritual blitzkrieg against us, praying for our destruction. He completely glossed over the fact that his actions are clearly a violation of federal tax law."
Drake is a long-time Orange County evangelical preacher who frequently captures the spotlight.
In the 1990s, he protested "Gay Day" at Disneyland and a 2 Live Crew concert as obscene. He also fought Buena Park city officials who tried to stop him from sheltering homeless people on church grounds.