Monday, August 27, 2007

Trouble At The CupOn The Web

Just visited Franklin Avenue (Hey, if you guys moved to Burbank, change your name!) & noticed that their YouTube™ embeds aren't showing. Neither are Just Another Blog™'s. Nor is the "Sucky Gôögle News Feed." Is the mighty Google™ empire collapsing?


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!


M. Bouffant said...

WARNING!!! DANGER!!! DO NOT CLICK ON "PROFESSOR HOWDY"!! As you might be able to tell from the innocuous content of the above comment, this is comment spam. "Professor Howdy's" "web log" starts w/ a bunch of stolen cartoons & stupid jokes, but as one scrolls down there is Jeezis bullshit. DO NOT BE SUCKERED BY THE LIES & DECEPTIONS OF CULTS!!!