Friday, August 10, 2007

Any Second Now (Quake Update)

Not too fucking "permanente," huh?
The current image @ the top of this "web log" says "Shakey Town." That's Citizens Band* argot for the greater Southern California area, which is, as most know, a hotbed of seismic activity. Just one problem: There's a large (not even the San Andreas) fault east of Los Angeles that hasn't seen much seismic activity lately. As a matter of fact, it seems to be about 300 years overdue for some activity:

"There will be several thousand dead and billions of dollars in damage," said Lucy Jones, a seismologist at the U.S. Geological Survey and a member of the California Seismic Safety Commission. She also said a devastating quake could topple buildings as far away as Los Angeles.
Just Another Blog is off to Trader Joe's to get a few bottles of inexpensive water, and to the 99¢ Only store for some canned goods. Just Another Blog™ plans to be looting, shooting & wailing as soon as it does happen. Good luck to all of you other suckers when the shit comes down.

*Whatever happened to CB radio? Did all this mobile 'phone crap put a complete end to it? Are there still people using it? Who cares?

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