Another result is that the generation taught to share and care beyond all precedent has become the most singularly concerned in history with making a buck. A recent UCLA study found that nearly 75% of freshmen think that it's important to be rich, compared with 62.5% in 1980 and 42% in 1966.
Here's a clue for you, Jonah, you ignoramus: The reason so many frosh think being "rich" is important is that by the time most of them are fully in the working world there won't be a middle class for them to be part of. There'll be those who have money, & those reduced to serving the wealthy, probably in a sort of indentured servitude, or maybe just a "you work your ass off 16 hours a day and we'll give you board & room" deal. Hey, it's all about the free market, right, Pantload?
P. S.: Scott C. @ World O' Crap, as is his wont, takes down the rest of Doughbob's column @ a length Just Another Blog's™ ADD-afflicted mind can't handle.
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