Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Moozlims On Mars? Jihad On Jupiter? Sharia On Saturn? Debbie On Drugs?

While slogging through the muck of Internment (she's in favor of it) author M. Malkin's site, we spotted a link to the Cut-rate Coulter, Debbie Schlussel, whose panty-hose are in a bunch about the current Iraqi Ambassador to Japan, who, she alleges, "infiltrated" NASA. Well, that's her headline. The only reference in the actual item, however, is:

Al-Jumaily worked at the highest levels of NASA as a jet propulsion engineer on the Mars Rover Team and in that capacity had high-level security clearances and access to classified information.
Just Another Blog™ isn't sure that working as a "jet propulsion engineer" is the "highest levels of Nasa." And now that we've clicked on her link, we see that Dr. Al-Jumaily was a member of the Control & Navigation Team for the Sojourner Rover MFEX: Microrover Flight Experiment. Can't get any higher up than that. And we're not too sure what sort of high-level clearances & access to classified info he may have had. No question there may be some hi-tech stuff going on w/ the Mars Rovers that we might not want in the hands of, say, China or Russia, but it isn't as if he was building nuclear weapons @ Pantex. And the Mars Rovers have worked very well so far, better than expected, if we're not mistaken (& unlike Debbie, we seldom are) so Dr. Al-Jumaily didn't manage to sabotage anything.

Ms. Schlussel goes on to state:
And the presence of Jumaily on the Brotherhood's American board confirms what has long been known: that the Brotherhood is part of Al-Qaeda and should be put on the State Department terrorist list.
Not according to the Anti-Defamation League or the Council on Foreign Relations, however. And you'd think Little Debbie would trust the A-DL, if not those Rockefeller one-worlders @ CFR.

Also: Dr. Al-Jumaily knows people in the gummint!

And Al-Jumaily had access to government officials at the highest levels. Top FBI, ICE and Justice Department officials repeatedly broke pita with him. That includes current U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III (a Bush Federal Court of Appeals nominee), past Bush U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan/Ohio, Brian Moskowitz, and several FBI Special Agents in Charge.
Gee, you don't think they're, oh, getting information from him or anything like that? But in Debbie's world, talking to "The Enemy," instead of imprisoning & interrogating him, is, of course, a sign of weakness.
The rest of the story is taken up w/ various half-baked assertions that so & so knows what's-'is-name, and they're involved w/ various Muslim charities or HAMAS, or they know some guy who was accused, or suspected of, doing this or that. The final paragraph:

But now we know, he was far more than that--a high-ranking member of the Muslim Brotherhood. And he helped carry out its "grand jihad [against] Western civilization."
If he "helped carry out" the grand jihad, does that mean it's over & we've lost already?

Best indication of what really goes on in Debbie's world? The disclaimer @ the top of the item:

**** EXCLUSIVE - MUST CITE Debbie Schlussel and link to (That Means You, Sean Hannity, WorldNutDaily, and Steven Emerson) ****
She doesn't think she gets enough bookings on Hannity & Colmes, etc., even though they all use her well-investigated items. A second or third tier fear-blogger, trying her best to get her face all over the place before no one wants to look at it any more. And that day is coming soon.
And do read the comments, if you dare to go there. Foamy site, foamier commentariat.


Larry Harmon said...

Cut-rate Coulter indeed. Plus she's not nearly as hot-looking as Ann-orexia. Does one have to have dyed blonde hair (unlike the esteemed editor of JAB) to be part of the Fox News foamout crew?

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Answer:
A high percentage of Right Wing bloviatorettes do seem to use a few very similar shades of hair color. As well as most of the Foxettes, not that we have enough intestinal fortitude to watch much of the Fox News Channel.
And a tip of the Bouffant chapeau for pointing out that the world's 1,372,336th favorite Internet idiot is as pure & untouched by celebrity as the day is long.

Larry Harmon said...

Damn, boy, no piercings, no tattoos, no hair dye (unlike yrs truly & Mr Mike, who insists on dying his naturally blonde hair).... how have you survived without all that hoo-ha?

Anonymous said...

Emerson, a Jew who gets it
A perspective of a moderate Muslim

At the risk of sounding anti-Semitic, I want to say this: either American Jews are completely clueless about the internal struggle inside Islam or they are so cowardly, that they are even afraid to voice their opinion. Or maybe it's a combination of both.

Every time there is a development that involves radical Islam, be it a Mayor of New York attending an Islamist parade, DOJ's officials attending an Islamist conference, or a protester being sued for having the balls to expose an Islamist-sponsored event at an amusement park, the American Jewish community is as quiet as a church mouse. It's like it is not even there.

The effect of this silence is devastating. Not for the Jewish community, not yet. That time is still to come. The silence affects the American Muslim community. Every time moderate Muslims are ignored and Islamists are legitimized (by either direct support from government representatives or silent support of the ADL), radicals gain ground. In the current PC climate, moderate Muslims have pretty much no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

Luckily for us, not everyone in the Jewish community is like that. There are some Jews that are speaking out. One of them is Steven Emerson, who has been warning the West about the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism since before PanAm 103. Most of his current work is focused on exposing the radicals masquerading as the moderates – those radicals who are embraced by the DOJ and the Pentagon, by the mayor of New York Bloomberg (Rudy would never get into bed with terrorist supporters) and the Treasury Department, by the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security, by the Congress and the White House.

There is a war of ideas within Islam, and moderate Muslims are losing. Most of Muslim clergy and Muslim establishment are paid for by the Wahhabis. Moderate Muslims are being run out of Mosques and community centers, and in many cases are physically threatened. Moderate Muslims have no place in the media or public debate, because the place reserved for Muslims is filled by Islamic radicals, who attempt to make criticizing anything Islamic a taboo. According to the Islamists, a Muslim can do no wrong.
1. When a non-Muslim criticizes Islam or Muslims, he/she is an Islamophobe.
2. When a Muslim criticizes Islam or Muslim, he/she is not a real Muslim, therefore see #1.

This is a tactic used by "moderate" Muslims, the darlings of the government and the media. But how can you call someone who praises bin Laden, or has ties to Hamas, or calls for the elimination of Israel, or wants to replace the Constitution with the Koran a moderate? They are anything but moderates, however nobody except for a few people like Steven Emerson seems to notice that. But even when the Emersons of America appeal to the public, they are often being dismissed as alarmists and racists. Well, they are anything, but. You don't have to be a clairvoyant to predict the future when it comes to expansion of radical Islam and extinction of moderate Muslims. All you need to do is get your heads out of the sand.

Why our government is so forgiving and forgetful when it comes to individuals or organizations with known terrorist ties and anti-American views is beyond me. Why the Jewish leaders are so timid when it comes to the subject of radical Islam is incomprehensible.

I thank God every day for people like Steven Emerson, because they are the last glimmer of hope for moderate Muslims.


Original post