Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blood-Boiling Assholes Of The Day

Especially the fucking creep at (4:00): "Capitalism requires winners & losers, & we get uncomfortable w/ the losers."Virtually everything recited by these clowns is boilerplate bullshit ("Created" wealth, our ass!) but Oklahoma City mayor & lazy loser gov't. employee Mick Cornett should be thrown on the lazy loser pile & made to experience just a bit of "losing" until he dies in pain in a gutter. This reporter would be more than comfortable w/ that.
Pelley: Big corporations in this country at this moment are sitting on a trillion dollars in cash, that they could invest in jobs and plant and equipment. But they're not doing it.

Mick Cornett: There's no customers. I mean, you're not going to expand your inventory if you can't sell the product. And you're not going to hire people if you can't get people to employ those services.
It is a conundrum how this could be solved, isn't it?
Pelley: Mick, your city has the lowest unemployment rate of any major city in America.

Cornett: That's correct.

Pelley: How do you create jobs in this country? In the rest of the country?

Cornett: Well, from a long-term perspective, I think the comments about education are right on. But from a shorter-term perspective nationally, we've got to understand that government has gotten too big. We take on the welfare of all mankind as a practical objective. And it's just not. Capitalism requires winners and losers. And we get uncomfortable with the losers.
Talk about a non-answer to the question. Mayor Mick's defense of class warfare reduces workers to disposable, replaceable units who can go fuck themselves because, after all, they're the required "losers." Fuck him & the voters of OKC sideways. W/ a splintery broomstick.

Also available in a Whiskey Fire-stylee, where it may be observed just how fucking difficult it is to format items using the TypePad platform.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Day's not over yet, M.B.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I have problem commenting at Whiskey Fire sometimes. If it keeps up, I will prolly just respond to you and Thudner on your respective personal blogs.

It's a pain, though, because I so enjoy Thers' entries, too.

zomg, w/v is "pookari."

Steve M. said...

Pelley: Mick, your city has the lowest unemployment rate of any major city in America.

Cornett: That's correct.

Pelley: How do you create jobs in this country? In the rest of the country?

Answer: YOU WAKE UP SITTING ON A BIG FUCKING PILE OF OIL! That's how this schmuck did it -- or at least by lucking into the job of mayor of a city in an energy-rich state at a time when the price of oil is high. He gets no credit, any more than Perry does.

(And thank you for posting this -- I saw this and it made me furious, too.)

M. Bouffant said...

Traffic Editor:

The "requires losers" part dropped our jaw to about ankle-level. Not even furious, just astounded that any one could be so stupidly callous as to admit it. Thought that ol' rising capitalistic tide lifted all boats.

TypePad is screwy. We're a big deal, fully-authorized Whiskey Fire muckety-muck & we still have to sign in each time if we want our stupid avatar to show (Cross-branding!!) yet the post/edit buttons don't always work, even after signing in. Izzat the same problem you have?

But don't neglect collective us (Meaning Thunder as well.) there. We don't want to get fired if everyone comments at our (slightly) smaller operations & we don't drive traffic there. (You can come up w/ two clever things to share.)

'Though we thank the furious & fabulous Steve M. for visiting & commenting here rather than WF.