Thursday, November 22, 2007

Coincidental Irony

The Cats won eventually, as one might expect.
And a cheerful good morning to you all! Today, as well as "Turkey Day" (Thanksgiving Day to our viewers over eight) is the 44th anniversary of the assassination of U. S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and the killing of Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippit by the coward Lee Harvey Oswald & a still indeterminate number of others. This is the sixth time the holiday & the anniversary have coincided in 44 yrs. How fortunate we were that Lyndon Johnson was there to take the reins of gov't. & compensate for his fear of being called a sissy by increasing our involvement in Vietnam, laying the groundwork for the current Texas macho bullshit quagmire & waste in Iraq.


fourskies said...

You forgot the Welfare State!

M. Bouffant said...

Hand-Out Editor:

Oh, we never forget the Welfare State. We remember the third day of every month.