Monday, August 13, 2007

The Divine Ms. A.'s Vortex Draws Zippy In

August is the cruelest month, as there is little or nothing on television, and even the blog-o-sphere seems to be running a little slowly. So Saturday night we wandered lonely as a whatever it is (cloud?) ending up @, among other dives, (which explains the early Sunday morning items, & the one two items down) & bottle blond Ann's eponymous site, secretly wishing she'd typed something so inane or ridiculous that Just Another Blog™ could call her on it & start a "blogwar" to attract some attention to this "web log." No such luck. And the continuing lack of interesting material led us to catch up on our on-line comics reading, leading to this:
which only made us think of the Divine Ms. A. & her breast/Clinton & onion ring/Clinton & Sen. Clinton's breasts fixations.
And here's a shot of Ms. Althouse, from her flickr account.

Lolhouse by a Sadly, No! commenter whose name we forget, but it's on flickr somewhere, we just couldn't find it again. Kthxbai!!

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