Friday, February 28, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

First Amendment Up-Date: Sleepwalking To The Apocalypse

Ladies & germs, your White House Press Pool.
S.V. Date / HuffPost:
The US political press has not dealt with autocrats working this hard to seize power; trading soft coverage for access could fail media audiences and democracy  —  WASHINGTON — We are not ready for this.  —  The Washington, D.C., press corps, used to playing small ball for small exclusives …
Joe Perticone / @joeperticone:   Most of them, at least.
The Xit from Andrew Feinberg is a reply to that lying hypocrite Ari Fleischer, seen farther down.

Same Old Shit, Different Day

Not that I give a crap about some bozo who can afford to leave the country, just a musical excuse.
James Cameron to Flee Trump’s America: ‘Like Watching a Car Crash Over and Over’
The Hollywood director said he’s moving to New Zealand as soon as he can.
[Daily Beast, possibly not paywalled.]


People invading my space to fix the collapsed bathroom ceiling.
Earlier, the police invaded. Knocked on the door about 0910 while I was asleep. I answered the door (expecting the repair crew) but there was no one there, as the ossifers were, as always, standing to either side of the door so as not to be plugged by some loon. They said they (or dispatch or 911 or whatever) had rec'd. a call claiming there was "trouble" at this address. Immediate suspicion is the landlord's flunky may have told the upstairs neighbors she knows they used their shower yesterday, which resulted in an hr. of leaking in the bunker, & they may resent that I "squealed".

Second suspicion is that the Trump Nazis are starting their backlash. Many yrs. ago I was spewing my usual blend of hatred, pain & rage & announced here I had blown all my money, finally bought a gun & was going to put it to good use, & an idiot I knew in meatspace called the freaking police & suggested they see what was up, leading to the same police terror situation as above at my door today. And there are one or two clowns I knew in meatspace who know where I live who've gone Nazi. They may have been behind this. While all my typing this time may be more real (time runs out, conditions worsen, existential agony mounts) I'll post pix here when I do arm myself. And by then you can call the fucking po-lice all you want, because I'll be on the streets or in gov't. buildings, looting, shooting & wailing!!

Sad Sack Of What, Now?

Never occured to this reporter (who is as innocent as the day is long) there might be more to "sad sack". (At the end, if you care.) And a geometry lesson.Or is it trigonometry or something?

From The Weasel's Lips

Brainworm Talking

Like hell. Last prior measles death was nine yrs. ago, you lying son-of-a-bitch.
The measles vaccine prevents thousands of deaths each year worldwide. The number of measles deaths began decreasing before the vaccine was introduced thanks to advances in health care that improved treatment after people got sick (such as treating pneumonia that occurred because of measles infection).

But serious illness and death from measles still happened regularly.

In fact, in the 10 years before the vaccine was available in 1963, about 500 measles-related deaths were reported to CDC every year. Since the vaccine, U.S. measles-related deaths have been increasingly rare — because the vaccine has prevented people from getting measles in the first place. The most recent U. S. death occurred in 2015. Worldwide, there was an 84% decrease in measles deaths between 2000 and 2016 as the vaccine became more widely available — meaning more than 20 million deaths were prevented.

Other than death, measles causes serious illness and leads to hospitalization for 1 in 5 who become sick. That’s why it’s important to look at the reduction in measles illness overall, which plummeted after the vaccine was introduced in 1963 — from about 500,000 reported cases yearly (most weren’t reported, so the actual number is likely much higher) to 63 reported cases in 2010. Recently, those numbers have been increasing due to local outbreaks.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Today In Babylon

Katy O'Donnell / Politico:
Veronica Riccobene / The Lever:


A pleasant image in an attempt to calm myself so I don't kill the landlord & all his servants (or so my rising gorge & blood pressure don't make me explode). As well as the upstairs neighbors, who showered for about an hr., depite the landlord's lying servant (allegedly) advising them not to use their shower today. Sick of the smell of rotten wood, too.
Fun "Urge to Kill" fact: Googled "cheap handguns near me" (as one does) & it would appear the City of Los Angeles doesn't allow gun stores. The nearby ones are all in Glendale & Burbank. Must be a lotta Klan members & Armenian pindicks getting armed. Well, if I can go to Burbank for overpriced model railroading crap I can go there for a problem-solving equalizer that will no doubt be equally overpriced. Can only the middle-classes & above arm themselves in self-defense? Where are the Saturday night specials of my youth? I won't even need six rounds, depending on how many parasites need terminatin'.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pretty, Innit?

Only makes me despise the humanoids screwing the planet at ground level all the more.
I cannot wait until the natural balance is restored by the death of 99 & 44/100ths of your putrid species.
Die, humanoid fauna! The flora needs the fertiizer.

Decline & Falling Down

Missed Me By That Much

Monday, February 24, 2025

Who Wouldn't?

War Between The Jerkwads

David Edwards / Raw Story:

UnitedHealthcare CEO Should Have Been Tortured First

Don't Mind Me, I'm Wallowing In Self-Pity
Leavened W/ An Astronomical Amount Of
Naked Blue-Hot Rage

"In time of trouble, when I need you most, you walk out on me." Story of my life.
A painless death is too good for these people. And here is another reason to kill them all. And the stockholders.

Patients struggle with lack of consistent coverage for popular weight-loss drugs

Thought I'd mentioned it, but can't seem to find it; No Mounjaro® last month because I didn't have US$280.00 for a month's supply. (Or US$330.00 for two months. What a bargain!) Previously it was US$38.00/month until the last few months of the yr. I had to change my United Healthcare isurance plan in order to keep my croaker & it started costing me US$57.80/month, where it had been no charge before. So I certainly didn't expect not to get a price break when January rolled around. Now, it's whom to kill first; whoever's running UnitedHealthcare now or my parasite landlords. Don't worry, I can walk & chew gum simultaneously.

And while it would be much more satisfying to beat all the evil people to pulp w/ metal rods, of which I have a more than adequate supply, I'm afraid heightened security for the people who deserve to be killed suggests a gun or other distance equalizer (Vroom! Vroom!!) is the smarter, surer move.

Thanks again for nothing, everybody. Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you are the problem. And I'll remember too. When I'm cash-flush after I've bankrupted the landlord, I'll remember who was there in my time of trouble. I.e., not a gawddam person anywhere in this unspeakably shitty world.

Sorry to go on & on w/ this existential agony, but it took ten yrs. of being ignored by everyone I used to know (Obviously never friends, whatever that means.) for it to sink in that there's evidently something wrong w/ me if I'm the one being treated this way. Not even treated, just ignored. Meaning no one's watching/reading so I can do or say anything I want here & on Facebook now that hypocrite Zuckerberg has removed all the rules so Trump cultists can type the N-word to their hearts' content. Although I'm pretty sure Facebook suppresses everything I post there, for advertising & political reasons. More trouble.

No more will I be a victim. As my days shorten, the day that someone fully understands the depth & intensity of my anger approaches.

I'm like the worst comic book villain ever.

Questions raised by this item: Would opening an Instagram acc't. & live-streaming the death of a landlord or insurer get any attention? Are the censorship robots ready for live-streamed death? If a pig dies in the wilderness & nobody clicks on it, did it even happen?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

They Seem Nice

Netanyahu, King of Babylon.

‘Worse than the Second Intifada’: West Bank refugees reel from Israeli offensive

Displaced from Jenin and Tulkarem, Palestinian residents say Israel is waging a deliberate campaign to make the northern refugee camps unlivable.

[+972 Magazine]

Landlord Problem Final Solution

We start w/ the landlords, then the rest of you. A hint: If you aren't helping, you're part of the problem.
Hoping for wood rot & the collapse of the floor, if not the building. Again, had I a weapon, enough ammunition & the slightest amount of energy, the blood of the scum would drip like the water from my ceiling.

Tomorrow I contact telebision news. It's perfect: Plenty of video & stills of the damage, the victim a wretched, toothless old honkie barely living on Social Security & a meagre pension, w/ housing assistance from a City Housing Authority that's sent him e-mails telling him they don't care & he's on his own, & a clear villain in a corporate entity that was found liable for harassing low-income tenants to the tune of several million U.S. dollars a few yrs. ago that's hiding behind a "property management company". I'm going to be rich!!

Jam It Sunday!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Weekly Morbidity & Mortality Report: Measles & Shooting in Texas

Isabella Kwai / New York Times:
Measles Outbreaks in Texas and New Mexico Sicken Nearly 100 People  —  Texas reported 90 cases this week, while New Mexico reported nine.  A majority of the cases have been in a Texas county where vaccination rates have lagged behind the rest of the state.  —  Outbreaks of measles in parts of Texas and New Mexico have sickened nearly 100 people, according to state health officials who warned that the number of cases was expected to rise.

An outbreak has been spreading through the South Plains region of Texas since late January, the Texas Department of State Health Services said on Friday. Measles vaccination rates in the region lag significantly below federal targets.

On Friday, the department confirmed 90 cases of measles, with at least 77 of them being children. Sixteen people have been hospitalized, the department said.

The cases come amid growing concerns by public health experts about declining vaccination rates and the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent vaccine skeptic, as the nation’s health secretary.
Won't even need a civil war if these fools & chumps continue killing themselves w/ guns & germs. Keep it up, dimbulbs.

Are You A 150-Yr. Old Vampire?

We Know Who The Real Parasites Are

Anxiety Mounts Among Social Security Recipients as DOGE Troops Settle In

Elon Musk’s team has descended on an already understaffed Social Security Administration, which now faces further workforce cuts and closures of vital local offices. The consequences could be significant for millions of the most vulnerable Americans.

Still, the DOGE team landed at the Social Security Administration this week, with Musk drawing attention for his outlandish claims that large numbers of 150-year-old “vampires” are receiving Social Security payments.
From Pro Publica. Found at Attention to the Unseen, which has more on this impending murder of millions of older Americans. You think you'll last much over a yr. w/o Social Security or Medicare?
Stakes through their hearts. Then burn the bodies. There isn't much time.

Thanks For Never Ending
Nothing But Nothing

A world of ghosts. Or am I the ghost?
Beyond obvious now that there was never a person on the face of this horrid & stupid planet who gave a damn about me in 71 yrs. of suffering & bullshit. Fine. None of the fucks I used to "know" in meatspace were literate, so I shouldn't expect them to read this crap or have any interest in anything but their own shallow empty ignorant lives. And Zuckerberg's asshole minions are probably suppressing anything I link there anyway, as there are never any reactions to anything I post there. Fuck you in the mouth, son-of-a-dentist. Granted, many of my former "friends" on Facebook have deserted me, because they know they were of no help to me when I was homeless, although some of them had houses of their own, & they don't like being reminded of what shits they were & remain.

"Homeowners" are bourgeois scum that must die. Hope every one of your damn houses burns to the ground in the next fire & you spend some time (or the rest of your lives) sleeping in the gutter, just as I did when I was a victim of this pig society & capitalism & not one person who wasn't paid to do so was of any damned help to me. Not that they cared, or wanted to help. They just did it for the money, because they're money-grubbing pigs like all the humanoids in this awful world.

All I did was open my house to people when I had one. Should have realized then I was being used by typical American users, even if they were in rock'n'roll drag; once I wasn't renting a house where creeps could B-B-Q but was in a studio apartment I might as well have fallen off the edge of the earth. Fuck 'em all; I just wish they could read so they could get an idea of how bitter they made me, & so I could threaten them.

Merely a matter of time until I beat the landlords to a bloody pulp. Or resort to arson, as noted below. Then I'm getting a gun, hijacking a car & making the streets run red w/ the blood of my oppressors, who are, essentially, everyone in this miserable world. Why should anyone live?

Scorcher Sat.

Things That Go Bump In The Night

Circling The Drain

Trump's "Greatest Depression Ever" Gets Underway

Dow falls nearly 750 points and US stocks tumble as businesses and consumers worry about tariffs

Wait until the effects actually kick in. I hope I don't laugh myself sick.

'Round & 'round we go, down & down we go ...

Friday, February 21, 2025

Gasoline Or Kerosene?

Two mushrooms appeared on the bathroom wall yesterday morning, to go w/ the ones already there.
Contemplating arson now that gravity has spread the fungus to the top of the toilet tank.
May as well light up the bldg. down the street where the fucking parasites have their office, hoping they're all inside. I'll be outside, waiting to shoot them like rabid dogs in the street as they flee their burning slum.

One positive note: Judging from the (non) respose to my previous plea for help, no att'ys. read this drivel. If there are lawyers reading but they won't help, it figures. Jerkwads, all of them. Always best to handle things oneself, w/ all-American violence & death!!
So, which is the better accelerant, gas or kerosene? And if I walk into a gas station w/ a five-gal. can, will they just fill it up, or is there added bullshit to getting gas w/o wheels in the age of fascist security theatre? And where does one get kerosene these days? I'm so disconnected.

Judge Seems Troubled, Delivers
Stern Warning

That'll Show 'Em!

“A federal judge delivered a stern warning to the Trump administration that it must abide by a court order to unfreeze foreign-aid funding, but he stopped short Thursday of holding administration officials in contempt of court for continuing to hold up some of the money,” Politico reports.

“In a seven-page order, U.S. District Court Judge Amir Ali seemed troubled by complaints from aid groups that much of the funding remained on hold despite his Feb. 13 order suspending the blanket freeze put in place by the Trump administration.”

I'm sure everyone at the White House enjoyed a good laff when they heard about it. How many divisions does Hizzoner (Note furrin/Mooslim name; begging to be deported.) have again?

Friday Freak Out

No, I've not watched this & probably never will, because nothing matters & you couldn't get me to care if you gave me money.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Kill The "King"

Further Evidence That The Republican Party Is
A Party Of Sissified Pantywaists

GOP in Congress ‘scared shitless about death threats’ if they were to defy Trump

Gabriel Sherman reports:

Senate and House Republicans know Trump will orchestrate the running of a primary challenger backed by Elon Musk’s unlimited resources if a member defies him. But this is not the whole story of Republican subservience to the president. In private, Republicans talk about their fear that Trump might incite his MAGA followers to commit political violence against them if they don’t rubber-stamp his actions.

“They’re scared shitless about death threats and Gestapo-like stuff,” a former member of Trump’s first administration tells me.

According to one source with direct knowledge of the events, North Carolina senator Thom Tillis told people that the FBI warned him about “credible death threats” when he was considering voting against Pete Hegseth’s nomination for defense secretary. Tillis ultimately provided the crucial 50th vote to confirm the former Fox & Friends host to lead the Pentagon. According to the source, Tillis has said that if people want to understand Trump, they should read the 2006 book Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. (When asked for comment for this story, a spokesperson for Tillis said it was false that the senator had recommended the book in that capacity. The FBI said it had no comment.)

From the moment Trump descended his golden escalator in June 2015 to announce his first run for president, he injected menace into his political rhetoric. On the campaign trail he talked about wanting to punch protesters in the face. During his first term, he praised Montana’s then representative Greg Gianforte for physically attacking Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs in 2017. “Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!” Trump said. (Gianforte later pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and received a six-month deferred jail sentence.) When protests erupted after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd in 2020, Trump called protesters “thugs” and said: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” The phrase echoed a remark made in the 1960s by a Miami police chief associated with stoking racial tensions in the city (Trump claimed he wasn’t aware of its origins). In a September 2020 debate against Joe Biden, Trump refused to condemn white supremacist violence and told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

January 6 further catalyzed GOP fear of Trump-inspired violence. Romney told his biographer, McKay Coppins, that an undercurrent of anxiety thwarted Republican efforts to formally punish Trump for his role in inciting the riot. “One Republican congressman confided to Romney that he wanted to vote for Trump’s second impeachment, but chose not to out of fear for his family’s safety,” Coppins wrote in his book. “When one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning toward voting to convict, the others urged him to reconsider. You can’t do that, Romney recalled someone saying. Think of your personal safety, said another. Think of your children. The senator eventually decided they were right.” [Continue reading…]

The Guardian reports:

Donald Trump is receiving widespread backlash after he likened himself to a “king” on social media following his administration’s decision to rescind New York City’s congestion pricing program.

On Wednesday, following a letter issued by his transportation secretary, Sean Duffy, to the New York governor, Kathy Hochul, that ended the transportation department’s agreement with New York over a new congestion pricing program for Manhattan, Trump wrote on Truth Social:


The White House then proceeded to share Trump’s quote on social media, accompanied with a computer-generated image of Trump grinning on a fake Time magazine cover while donning a golden crown, behind him the skyline of New York City.

In response to Trump’s comments, Hochul issued a statement, saying: “We are a nation of laws, not ruled by a king.” She added: “Public transit is the lifeblood of New York City and critical to our economic future – as a New Yorker, like president Trump, knows very well.” [Continue reading…]

The Federalist Papers #47:

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

From Attention to the Unseen.

Something Wrong? Really? Where?

Untitled Sunset

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

'Twas 95 Yrs. Ago Today

In 1930, that Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered/confirmed the existence of the dwarf planet Pluto, after nearly a yr. of comparing photographs.
Don't think for an instant that your shithole planet doesn't have the same problem, Earth cretins.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Murder, Inc.

May I Gentrify That For You?

James Mackenzie / Reuters
Israel receives shipment of heavy bombs cleared by Trump  —  Israel has received a shipment of heavy MK-84 bombs from the United States, after U.S. President Donald Trump lifted a block imposed on the export of the munitions by the administration of predecessor Joe Biden, the defence ministry said on Sunday.

Situation Normal: You Know What

Well over half-way through Feb. today.
Only 46 more wks. in 2025.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

This Yr. In Nazis

JD Vance is Merely the Latest Conservative Christian to Use Nazi Camps to Cleanse His Antisemitism Sins
These people are Nazi scum.
On Thursday of this past week, Vice President JD Vance visited the site of the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, making him the latest in a string of American public officials to visit a former Nazi camp. The visit, timed to coincide with Vance’s trip to Germany for the Munich Security Conference, comes a year after Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest person and newly-installed most powerful person in the United States, visited Auschwitz last January.

It’s worth recalling the circumstances that led to Musk’s visit to Auschwitz a year ago. The visit came after months of antisemitic statements, including using his social media platform X to boost conspiracy theories accusing Jews of “flooding their country” with “hordes of minorities”; threatening to sue the Anti-Defamation League for being the “biggest generators of anti-Semitism”; and accusing Hungarian-born Jewish Holocaust survivor George Soros of attempting to “erode the very fabric of civilization” because he “hates humanity.”

Finally, in the wake of a threatened advertiser boycott with the potential to harm Musk’s bottom line, he did what any wealthy celebrity accused of antisemitism does these days: he made a ritualized visit to a concentration camp or Holocaust museum to have his sins of bigotry washed clean. (In Musk’s case, he also made a similarly ritualized visit to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who, of course, has a long history of giving kosher passes to far-right antisemites in exchange for their support for the most right-wing elements within the Israeli government.) Musk’s brief trip to Auschwitz was enough to win instant forgiveness for his sins of antisemitism.

Except, of course, Musk was not radically, instantaneously transformed by his time at Auschwitz. He was not magically cleansed of his antisemitism. In the year after his trip to the infamous Nazi concentration camp, Musk reinstated the accounts of Holocaust deniers and praised a Holocaust revisionist historian. In just the past month alone, Musk infamously performed a Nazi salute at a Trump inauguration rally; joked about the Holocaust; told supporters of the German far-right party Alternative for Germany that Germany needs to “move beyond” its historical guilt for the Holocaust; and reinstated a briefly-fired 25-year-old government employee who had bragged about being “racist before it was cool” and called for the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

[Religion Dispatches]