A world of ghosts. Or am I the ghost? |
Beyond obvious now that there was never a person on the face of this horrid & stupid planet who gave a damn about me in 71 yrs. of suffering & bullshit. Fine. None of the fucks I used to "know" in meatspace were literate, so I shouldn't expect them to read this crap or have any interest in anything but their own shallow empty ignorant lives. And Zuckerberg's asshole minions are probably suppressing anything I link there anyway, as there are never any reactions to anything I post there. Fuck you in the mouth, son-of-a-dentist. Granted, many of my former "friends" on Facebook have deserted me, because they know they were of no help to me when I was homeless, although some of them had houses of their own, & they don't like being reminded of what shits they were & remain.
"Homeowners" are bourgeois scum that must die. Hope every one of your damn houses burns to the ground in the next fire & you spend some time (or the rest of your lives) sleeping in the gutter, just as I did when I was a victim of this pig society & capitalism & not one person who wasn't paid to do so was of any damned help to me. Not that they cared, or wanted to help. They just did it for the money, because they're money-grubbing pigs like all the humanoids in this awful world.
All I did was open my house to people when I had one. Should have realized then I was being used by typical American users, even if they were in rock'n'roll drag; once I wasn't renting a house where creeps could B-B-Q but was in a studio apartment I might as well have fallen off the edge of the earth. Fuck 'em all; I just wish they could read so they could get an idea of how bitter they made me, & so I could threaten them.
Merely a matter of time until I beat the landlords to a bloody pulp. Or
resort to arson, as noted below. Then I'm getting a gun, hijacking a car & making the streets run red w/ the blood of my oppressors, who are, essentially, everyone in this miserable world. Why should
anyone live?
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