Monday, February 3, 2025

Remember "Where's The Outrage?"

Told you chumps 40 yrs. ago. Now it's too late.

Musk’s Takeover Of The Government’s Computer Systems Needs To Be Understood As A Cyberattack, Or Worse

from the we've-been-pwned dept

People sometimes think that cybersecurity is just about defending computer systems from remote adversaries. But it’s broader than that; cybersecurity has always been about protecting computer systems more generally from any sort of misuse, no matter how the adversary might access them.

So that Elon Musk and his minions have managed to walk right into government offices to take over computer systems where they had no legitimate authorization or entitlement needs to be understood as a cyberattack by a rogue actor. And every ounce of outrage we ever would have had if any other rogue actor had taken over critical government infrastructure needs to be mustered here, because it is just as outrageous, and as dangerous, if not more so on both fronts, because this time the threat to America’s security came from within.


1 comment:

Al said...

Everything bad that happens to America and Americans is deserved because America is the most profoundly evil and immoral country on the planet. The US/NATO/Israeli axis of evil must be defeated.