Friday, January 10, 2020

Collisions Galore!

WED 10 JAN 1945
Japanese assault demolition boats infiltrate the transport areas off Lingayen, sinking infantry landing craft (mortar) LCI(M)-974, 16°06'N, 120°14'E and infantry landing craft (gunboat) LCI(G)-365, and damaging destroyers Robinson (DD-562) and Philip (DD-498), transport War Hawk (AP-168) and tank landing ship LST-610. Japanese air attacks against the fleet off Lingayen continue, damaging destroyer Wickes (DD-578), 16°04'N, 118°55'E; kamikazes damage destroyer escort Leray Wilson (DE-414), 16°20'N, 120°10'E, and attack transport Dupage (APA-41), 16°17'N, 120°15'E.

Off west coast of Luzon, high speed transport Clemson (APD-31) and battleship Pennsylvania (BB-38) are damaged in collision, 16°20'N, 120°10'E. Clemson is also accidentally rammed the same day by attack transport Latimer (APA-152), 16°20'N, 120°10'E; oiler Guadalupe (AO-32) is damaged in collision with Nantahala (AO-60), 20°06'N, 121°34'E; tank landing ship LST-567 is damaged in collision with LST-610, 16°20'N, 120°10'E.

Submarine Puffer (SS-268) sinks Japanese Coast Defense Vessel No.42 and damages Coast Defense Vessel No.30 in the East China Sea, 26°45'N, 126°11'E.

Merchant vessel No.2 Seikai Maru is damaged by aircraft off Mukai Jima.

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