Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Exceptionally Chicken-Shit Nation Quivers In Pointless & Absurd Fears
Of Nothing, As It Is Wont

The song remains the same, the lyrics have been changed to reflect the latest boogey-men.
Nation of Sheep
Whatcha gonna do
When ISIS & Ebola
Come lookin' for you?
ISIS cannot chop off your heads, shove Ebola down your gaping neck-holes & Gay-Shariah marriage the lot of you whimpering Yankee cowards soon enough. Esp. the "chop off your heads" part, as it might shut some of you the hell up. (Some of them, like headless chickens, would continue to squawk & flap their tiny useless wings for a hysterical run or two around the barnyard, but that just accelerates blood loss; eventually they too will be quiet forever.)

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