Monday, December 9, 2013


One positive result of the bedbug infestation (Silver lining, baby!!): While searching for possible bug nests under the bed I looked in the box marked "PHOTOS" & found that this bit of personal history had not been lost:
Great work w/ the sign coming out of my head, asshole.
You eyes do not deceive you (not that I run so many "selfies" you'd necessarily know who isn't Goldwater): That is Barry Goldwater (left) shaking my hand in a banquet room in a hotel near the Cow Palace where the Republican National Convention of 1964 was held. Our memories of very close to 50 yrs. ago are a bit hazy, but we're pretty sure he wasn't the nominee yet. (You know how it is, they parade people by you for a picture, & it's all a blur after a while15 secs. Some of them rate a brief handshake, but who can remember any of them?)


Weird Dave said...


Yastreblyansky said...

Ha! I've got maybe a year on you, Monsieur, and went to my first protest that summer, in Saratoga Springs, where New York's Conservative Party nominated the same dude. No pix, though.

tony in san diego said...

Love the jacket!

jim said...

Hmm ... got an older brother named Malcolm by any chance?