Friday, December 13, 2013

How Many Times?

I've been telling you idiots for virtually all my sad existence (sad because I was born w/o anyone asking me into a world where I'm surrounded by cretinous zombies) that marriage is bullshit & the family is a corrupt bourgeois institution. Here's further proof, but you fucking losers never get my advice, do you? Well, you get what you deserve, even if your bosses don't.
Jurors also heard from Johnson's mother, whose testimony supported the idea, put forth by friends and family members, that Johnson was much more in love with Graham than vice versa.

"I always wanted to be a grandma*," Sherry Johnson said through tears. "And he was excited about that, too."

Brad Blasdel, a close friend, testified that Johnson was "infatuated" with Jordan. But "it seemed one-sided," he said.

And another friend, Cameron Fredrickson, testified that he never thought the marriage would work out.

When Johnson went missing, "I actually broke into their house ... because this whole story is not like Cody," Fredrickson said. "It made me feel like Jordan had something to do with Cody missing."

Fredrickson said he was looking for evidence to incriminate Graham, looking bloody rags, weapons or a body. He didn't find anything, he said.
We'd advise all of you married morons to start thinking out of the proverbial box, but that would imply at least some of you brain-dead sheep were somewhere inside a box thinking, when I know damn well all you fuckers are doing is moving your lips while you turn the pages. (I've never been married, & look how happy AND ALIVE I am!)

Meanwhile the Chandlerian spousal unit is in the next room thumbing the side of a blade & thinking of your pasty white frog belly-colored neck & the beautiful contrast it would make w/ some red red blood.
*Now there's some ambition. You know who else is hung up on reproducing? Cockroaches & rabbits, that's who! Don't set your sights too high, would-be granny, just keep laying those eggs!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I can't believe I never saw you guys on MTV.

M. Bouffant said...

Credit Where Due Or Not Editor:
Those guys.

I auditioned for A.S. lead singer when Mental Mike moved north to Hayward but had not yet obsessively played all the recordings to the point where I had all the lyrics down, so they went w/ Jeff Dahl.

Which probably explains why they never hit the big punk time.

Weird Dave said...

That's still way more than anything I've managed to accomplish.