Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
(I got a rage to live!)

The ideal of Death from Above (at no physical risk to the death dealer) is achieved.
When he was deployed in Iraq, “you land and there’s no more weapons on your F-16, people have an idea of what you were just involved with.” Now he steps out of a dark room of video screens, his adrenaline still surging after squeezing the trigger, and commutes home past fast-food restaurants and convenience stores to help with homework — but always alone with what he has done.

“It’s a strange feeling,” he said. “No one in my immediate environment is aware of anything that occurred.”
Now do you fear the Reaper?
The Reaper is among the drones that pilots at Hancock operate,
killing insurgents and protecting American troops overseas.
Image: Heather Ainsworth for The New York Times
Possibly related: The "Active Shooter Event."


mikey said...

While it's true that they won't be nearly as powerful or sophisticated, the ones that will be coming back down our throats will be 'crudely effective', and in the end, we'll be sorry we started this fight...

M. Bouffant said...

Home Front Editor:
More worried about the LAPD's Mini-Reapers (Five yrs.?) than flying bombs powered by Islamic Radio Shack.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Faster, M.B. cat.

Weird Dave said...

Death by remote control.