Sunday, August 12, 2012

In Re: Ryan Running

Does it really make a dime's worth of difference?


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It's amusing and appalling at the same time... I won't have writer's block for a while.

mikey said...

Well, it sort of clarifies the choice for all those who might otherwise have facilitated a Romney Presidency by voting "Against" Obama - dick around with this shit too much in November and see what you get.

There is no liberal hero - you can have Obama, or you can have an empty suit and Paul Ryan's budget.

Unknown said...

Sorry I have been absent for so long but a lot has been going on Mr.B, so I hope you forgive my absence.

As for IS amusing as hell, like B4 says. They only pleased their base with the move and those idiots already had THOSE votes.

M. Bouffant said...

Easy Editor:
There are no attendance requirements for this class.

Crystallizes, not just clarifies. Although how one could be on the fence in this go-round is a question above our pay-grade.