Tuesday, August 7, 2012

B For The Bread

Note from Senior Management:

Andrew Breitbart is, and always will be irreplaceable. But he left behind a legacy that continues to inspire, and a road map for anybody willing to seek out the truth. In honor of Andrew, we are proud to present a brand new weekly feature entitled #WAR, where we will choose a video that reminds us all of the unique and powerful ways in which he chose to fight for all that he believed, in an effort to level the playing field such that more voices could be heard.
Death throes?
The first installment of #WAR features exclusive and never seen before footage shot in February 2010 at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville. Speaking to friends Jim Hoft, Glenn Reynolds, Dana Loesch, and Evan Maloney, it was this conversation along with Andrew’s speech earlier in the evening that inspired the filmmakers to immediately begin work on what would eventually become the documentary: "Hating Breitbart."
Note the table of New Media cretins hanging on every word: By their friends & employees you will know them.The NYT & CNN? Christ on two crutches.

Irreplacable? Hardly. Nor is Ghost Breitbart irretrievable. Whether a representation was screaming "WAR, BITCHES!" through the screen & speakers of the world's devil-boxes five mins. ago or five yrs. ago, what difference in the Age of the Digital Dead? Might as well not even have died Breitbart's heroic death.


Substance McGravitas said...

In a way it's kind of heartening that people who are that crazy and that rich mostly aren't the kind of blustering attention-seeking asshole that Breitbart was.

M. Bouffant said...

High Finance Editor:
Don't give us any ideas.