Friday, September 23, 2011

Time Not On Times'  Side?

Three to five yrs. before an end to the slaughter of trees for the local Times? According to an interview w/ Times pressman & labor web logger Ed Padgett, yes:
What’s happening at the Times these days?
They’re expecting a really bad fourth quarter. The senior vice president told us we’ve got three years more of printing the hard copy Times before they shut it down. Our plant manager says five years.

And then what – online only?

Did things get better after you unionized?
No, they got worse. They tried to fire all of us who were involved in the organizing. The very first day after [unionization] I went to the restroom and was told that counted as my break.
Additional whatnot.

Crap, does this mean we'll have to get one of those pad/tablet do-dads to keep us amused on public transit? (Maybe there won't be public transit w/in that time-frame. Of course by then we may have given up & be riding a scooter, which will probably be moving faster than automobile traffic anyway.)

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