Sunday, September 25, 2011

Police Beat

Waiting at a 7-Eleven for someone they can tase half to death & then beat w/ their batons. A minimum of five are needed for each individual citizen or alien (legal or otherwise) they assault. Looks as if they have a quorum.
We figure we took our life in our hands merely by shooting them. How much would you bet the littlest one on the right is a festering cauldron of deep-seated psychological "issues?"


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Also a juicer, judging by the arms.

mikey said...

There are those who say that American urban police departments began to decline into something darker and much more dangerous with their adoption of military-style weapons, dress, even armored vehicles. And there is undoubtedly something to that - it is no longer possible to try to tell a small child that these clanking purveyors of death and mayhem are somehow "their friends, there to help them" rather than something to be feared, and avoided even in extrimis.

But I tend to think that the greatest indicator that THEY are no longer US is the excessive body building that has become de rigeur. Rather than being a part of the community they are supposed to serve and protect, they have become another armed gang - complete with their own colors and cultural affectations...

M. Bouffant said...

Caught In The Crossfire Editor:

The Dep't. of Defense started handing free/cheap surplus equipment to police dep'ts. post-Vietnam. There may not be any surplus gear left (except in Iraq) but manufacturers have stepped in to fill the gap & fuck the taxpayer.

Note that beyond the prisoner-like dedication to "fitness," only one of the five has hair more than a few millimeters long, in direct imitation of Hispanic gang members after they gave up on the hair-netted & sprayed pompadour & went for the displaced person recently shorn & dusted for lice look.

And of course the LAPD actively recruits former service members too.