Monday, September 19, 2011

The Only $400,000 After Taxes Whiner

Try living on US$14,000 & change, punk.

These assholes are very fortunate we can't afford travel to the shit-holes where they are found. Or enough ammunition. Gasoline is still w/in our reach, however.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

More from this asshole:

And how hard does the congressman work to make the equivalent of eight median household incomes? Fleming told the Wall Street Journal that “he spends very little time on day-to-day management, though he weighs in on broad strategy decisions.” “I monitor the reports. I’m certainly in communication with the managers,” he told the paper.

Nice to know how valuable his participation is. Not actually DOING any work, you know.

Actually, he is probably much more valuable to the businesses by staying away.

Also not mentioned: his publicly-paid salary and benefits, which are over and above, as far as I can tell.

I hope that all cheers you up.

M. Bouffant said...

Pitchfork & Torch Editor:

It is our firm contention that "bosses" are of no use at all. Most wage-slaves know their jobs & how to perform them just fine w/o bullshit interference from a clown at the top of the pyramid of shit.

Spite & rage cheer us considerably, as they are indications we really are still alive.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Heck, I could spend EVEN less time on day-to-day management, and at HALF the salary!

M. Bouffant said...

Bet You Do Already Editor:

And look at this! $11,400.00/yr. for his employees.

As a former FedExKinkos wage-slave (See: UPS Store.) our net was less than our current "retirement" income, & Medicare is probably better (certainly less expensive) than whatever over-priced health insurance we had.

Glennis said...

Cost of living is pretty damn easy in Louisiana. To come away with $400,000 after making our nut is pretty, well, awesome. Suppose he's "creating jobs"?