Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Stupids Just Won't Stop

Could this recent rash of two or three people locking themselves in airline toilets be a test run for something?
Frontier spokesman Peter Kowalchuck said Flight 623 landed without incident in Detroit today. Police took three passengers into custody after the crew reported that two people were spending a long time inside a bathroom on the plane during the flight.

Detroit Metropolitan Airport spokesman Scott Wintner says the Frontier flight crew radioed to request police help when the plane landed, prompting responders to greet the flight and question passengers after the aircraft taxied to a remote location at the airport.
Not that people stupid enough to eff around on planes (Esp. today!) shouldn't be removed from the flight, & possibly from the gene pool.

Moments later: Seriously, if there were enough people locked in aerial bathrooms all the F-16s would be too busy escorting other planes to deal w/ actually high-jacked & dangerous aircraft. How long until a domestic (or furrin) flight is shot down by an ANG wknd. warrior w/ an itchy trigger finger?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

So exciting.

Much more interesting than the gazillion or so dollars we pissed away again today occupying foreign countries for corporate profits.

Fixer said...

Thankfully, I entered the Mile High Club about 30 years ago (with regular membership renewals since) but I'd never try it in this day and age.

M. Bouffant said...

Junior Birdmen Editor:

As we said to someone recently, we hope never to get on a commercial flight again.

Or get near an airport, for that matter.

(Used to Bring Our Own Bottle on flights in those halcyon days. No way now.)