Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Sheep Look Up

Just over a wk. ago, we noted some aspects of the New Feudalism, as offered here.
Age makes a difference, workplace experts say. Baby boomers longed for a corner office and expected to separate their work lives from their home lives.

"Younger workers' lives are all integrated, not segregated," Rivard said. "They have learned to work anywhere — at a kitchen table or wherever." Many don't feel a need to spend time in company quarters.
It raises its ugly head again at The Daily Dish.
Rob Horning explores the thinning line separating business and our personal lives as production and consumption merge. Money quote:
What makes this potentially worse is that such work (being online and contributing or organizing information, sharing), so much closer subjectively to consumption or self-actualization, will register as meaningful and will feel like progress. Perhaps this sort of work (sometimes called immaterial labor), combined with welfare payments, could be the foundation of a less exploitative social order in which what people do “for a living” actually seems to constitute the meaning of their life, and no one is left “unemployed” and rendered socially worthless. But under our current conditions, immaterial labor mainly makes life more precarious, and taints the things we ordinarily would enjoy doing with an urgent anxiety. We can’t just be ourselves; we have to make ourselves a personal brand that we desperately need our friends, i.e. networked nodes, to buy into.
Fucking robo-sheep.


Substance McGravitas said...

What a radiant future must be ahead for piece-workers.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

The thing that gets me is that individual workers are supposedly more productive than ever, but the hours don't decrease. Hell, if the standard work week could be lowered to 32 hours (with no diminution in salary-HA), the employment figures would improve, and Joe Schmo wouldn't be crushed (though that seems to be a feature, not a bug).

M. Bouffant said...

Claims Never To Have Paid (Directly) For A Piece Editor Adds:

Nor does pay increase. Take it easy w/ the crazy ideas though; even the French work a 35-hr. wk.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Fucking robo-sheep.

Somewhere, Robo-Mickey Kaus has a robo-woodie.