Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Picture Of The Day, If Not The Season

Via the no longer local Mick Farren, quite a shot.
We'll assume the photo was taken somewhere in Great Britain, as the cars are on the wrong side of the road. (Do the poms read from right to left, too?) Next time, Doc, some info/detail, please.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yet more proof that Al Gore is fat and lives in a big house.

Can haz wingnut welfare check now?

WV: exons

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It could be a 'Murkin road- there's no double yellow line, so it could be a two-lane one-way road.

I can't complain about the accumulation now.

M. Bouffant said...

Editor Asks:

Did you know? You can copy the captcha like an image. And we trust you anyway.

Unless the 'photo was flipped, the autos are on the wrong side, or going the wrong way. And we'd like to know what was used to clear the road. That must be 15', minimum, & while we know little of your "snow," those aren't drifts.

Morbo said...

Japan: let's show these freaks what a bloated, runaway infrastructure budget can do.