Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not A Typical Experience

A commenter whom we had mocked (Just a little, & ourself as well.) advised us that bus trips in a city that shall remain nameless allow him to do silly stuff on his "lucked into" laptop. (We'll assume this means he gets to sit.) Not so much in the Media Capital of the Known Universe. We don't have any photos of the usual bus expedition we make (Just as soon not have the soul-stealing box ripped from our hands & whatever/anything.) but our Circadian rhythm usually has us on the streets/public transportation around afternoon rush hour, when the buses don't look at all like this:
LACMTA Line 201, Thanksgiving 2010, 1703PT.
(A low-ridership line. We were surprised it wasn't cancelled in the latest round of fiscal austerity & making-working-people-suffer MTA service reductions.)

Opportunity to present more pix from a wk. ago. (Today is Odin's Day, innit?)
Zoom lens.
No Exit

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