Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Confirmation Bias, Or Should That Be Bias Confirmation?

We don't know all that much about stuff, &, like, things, y'know, but we do have a more than passing acquaintance w/ American telebision programming. So, when confronted w/ this inane horseshit from David "Bobo" Brooks (Doubtlesssly filed via WiFi directly from an Applebee®'s salad bar somewhere.) a wk. ago, we were almost inspired to rake Brooks' ignorant ass over the coals, but slothour better nature won.

However, on noticing another smart-ass (w/ a larger soapbox from which to spew) take Brooks' bullshit on, we managed to overcome inertia w/ judicious copying/pasting.
Saying "For most of television history, sitcoms have been about families" is like saying "In modern America, presidents have been Republicans." It's ludicrously wrong, Alessandra Stanley-grade wrong. Does David Brooks even own a TV set? Or does he while away the evenings putting on puppet shows for himself?

You know what would be a good sitcom, to take advantage of this trend? If you did one about a professional pundit, an effete dork who keeps humiliating himself by trying to pass himself off as a man of the people. (Down the hall is a mean Irish lady who talks entirely in dialogue from old movies.) The episode where he goes to Red Lobster would be priceless.
Smart-ass Scocca doesn't manage to link directly to Neal Gabler's inspiration for D.B., so we will. Compare & contrast w/ Bobo.

Does anyone w/ any authority (Or a connection w/ reality?) at The NYT ever read Brooks? We can only assume not, considering that he is still employed there.

And because we can not resist, "Flock you, David Brooks, you incompetent drone."


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

How the hell does this moron keep a paying gig at the "Paper of Record"? Fuck it all!

Cirze said...

My guess is he's fucking someone there.

And everyone else elsewhere.



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Bobo isn't even the most offensive miscreant whore for hire at the NYT this week.

That would be NYT war enthusiast John Burns.

M. Bouffant said...

From The Web Log Of Record Editor:

More Thunderian lagomorphery from gmail:

Rabbit Cages Super Sale - - Huge Rabbit Cages Selection in all Sizes and Styles. Fast Shipping!

Sex w/ Brooksie? No. Please, no. Which made us curious as to whether he's reproduced. No indication he has, which is probably just as well. You can imagine the "Junior leaving for school, yada" columns. At least we've been spared those.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Maybe we'll be spared Ms. Suderman's Randian supertot tales, as well.

P.S. I have no idea what WV means by "trampreg", but it sounds dirty.

M. Bouffant said...

Uneducated Guessing Editor Muses:

How legalized prostitution works?