Saturday, February 28, 2009
That Was The Wk. That Was
No, Really, Just For The ArticlesBlogs (UPDATED w/ New Link)
Almost immediately, the clip and the unlikely "Chicago tea party" quote buried in the middle of the segment, zoomed across a well-worn path to headline fame in the Republican echo chamber, including red-alert headlines on Drudge.Who's behind all this?
[T]he Koch family, the multibilllionaire owners of the largest private corporation in America, and funders of scores of rightwing thinktanks and advocacy groups, from the Cato Institute and Reason Magazine to FreedomWorks. The scion of the Koch family, Fred Koch, was a co-founder of the notorious extremist-rightwing John Birch Society. [...] It’s not difficult to imagine how Santelli hooked up with this crowd. A self-described “Ayn Rand-er,” one of Santelli's colleagues at CNBC, Lawrence Kudlow, played a major role in both FreedomWorks and the Club for Growth. So today’s protests show that the corporate war is on, and this is how they’ll fight it: hiding behind “objective” journalists and “grassroots” new media movements. Because in these times, if you want to push for policies that help the super-wealthy, you better do everything you can to make it seem like it’s “the people” who are “spontaneously” fighting your fight. As a 19th century slave management manual wrote, “The master should make it his business to show his slaves, that the advancement of his individual interest, is at the same time an advancement of theirs. Once they feel this, it will require little compulsion to make them act as becomes them.” (Southern Agriculturalist IX, 1836.) The question now is, will they get away with it, and will the rest of America advance the interests of Koch, Santelli, and the rest of the masters?Plenty of info between the parts we excerpted. A telling quote, from the authors of the item:
As veteran Russia reporters, both of us spent years watching the Kremlin use fake grassroots movements to influence and control the political landscape.Also mentioned is the DontGo movement, where we found the "regular" AmeriKKKans. And there's no question these two ninnies were working from talking points. "Common ground. Common ground. Common ground. Did I say it enough?" While we didn't type a word previously, you don't think, perhaps, also, the "common ground" they're hoping to work up could be based on a dislike for certain types of people in certain positions, rather than some sort of economic crap? Certainly, more people will have to buy into a lot of fantasy to believe that the advancement of the already filthy rich will ever help them. And many who do see where their economic interest truly lies will nonetheless be influenced by what Americans are too cowardly to talk about. We're not saying anything here, we don't want any cards pulled on us, but, you know, it could happen. I mean, "No one likes a guy who we don't where he was born in in the charge of the White House," if we may drop into a little wing-typing there. (No, that wasn't one of those passing strokes. Yet.) UPDATE (2 March 2009 @ 1440 PDT): Looks as if Hugh Hefner has been co-opted by the Kochs. Here, however, is the original Playboy Politics post, as preserved by Exiled Online.
Global Car Colon Severely Blocked

Over For Broadcast Telebision: "Judge Judy" In Prime Time For The Institutionalized & Their Keepers Is Our Best Guess As To What's Next

Broadcast television, for decades an oligarchy of three networks, was once the locus for most of the nation’s shared cultural moments — almost 83 percent of households in the United States watched Elvis Presley’s appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in September 1956, which is said to be the largest audience when measured by that metric. In terms of number of viewers, the final episode of “M*A*S*H,” in 1983, set the record with about 106 million viewers. In the last three months of 2008, broadcast networks lost nearly three million viewers, or about 7 percent of their total audience. Overall television viewing is up, however, and some big cable networks, like USA and TNT, are attracting new viewers.To damn well tell you so, we first sensed morbidity a few yrs. back, when CBS (the erstwhile "Tiffany network") started running per inquiry ads (800 # ads for Oxy-Whatnot, Shamwho, etc.) during the wknd. editions of the CBS Evening News.

Baby Please Don't Go, 'Cause I Love You So, Baby Please Don't Go
Join a community of other regular Americans who favor more people, less Government, more solutions, less campaign promises.We don't really understand the word "regular" here. What does our frequency of evacuation have to do w/, for example, favoring "more people?" Really. You won't be getting any more people w/ that sort of exclusionary attitude.

The New Media
Why It's Called A "Depression"
A distressing aspect of the report was the lack of business investment, said Joseph Brusuelas, a director at Moody’s Investment in equipment and software fell at an annualized rate of 28.8 percent.

“We’re not going to have a consumer-led recovery,” he said. He predicted it will be led by the technology industry and businesses spending on capital investments, which makes Friday’s figures for capital expenditures look “somewhat troubling.”Few spend what they used to (even those who have something to spend are sitting on it) belts are tightened, debt is paid down into the bottomless hole of the banking industry (We were only following orders during our 17 odd yrs. in banking, we swear.) it's back to eating staples (except peanut butter — what next, ergot in Wonder Bread©?) and cocooning around the HD plasma videotron w/ CD-quality sound, the X hundred channels, etc., rather than buying or even doing anything. There's a word for that.
Month-End Big For Gun Play, Other Morbidity

Friday, February 27, 2009
At Least The Guard Wasn't In NOLA As Long As They've Been In Iraq
The National Guardsmen were welcomed as liberators when they arrived in force in a big convoy more than four days after Katrina struck New Orleans in August 2005 and plunged the city into anarchy. The force was eventually 15,000 strong. Their numbers dwindled as civil authority returned in the months after the storm. But then, after a surge of bloodshed, 360 troops were dispatched in June 2006 to help the depleted police department patrol the streets. In recent months, only a few dozen troops were still patrolling.So it's all over but the shouting (which has become a death-whimper "in recent months") & has been for a while. Nonetheless, the AP was able to find a few who didn't want the NG to leave NO. This all by contrast to the announcement of a final, definitive, schedule/timetable thingy whatever for w/drawl of Yankee pig-dog troops from Iraq. Well, as many as are going to be pulled out. Last corner o' the ear we heard was at least 35,000 trainers & advisors. So let's read this & see what the story is now.
[Der Prez] and others — from his defense chief to powerful lawmakers — danced around some of the specifics about dates and troop numbers.Gawd-uh-mighty day-um, no! They didn't. "Danced around," did they? Where else might one find information about all this? Perhaps, also, the AP. Entirely different from " news services." Isn't it?

Bright Spot In History: WFB Jr. Dead For A Year

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Piyush Could Eat No Fat, His Wife Could Eat No Lean
The President is gearing up to give his first address to a joint session of Congress tonight (it's not technically a State of the Union, since it's the first year of his administration).Does Piyush know nothing about This Great Nation of Ours™, in which he wasn't even conceived? Will we be hearing this sort of thing from the Peggy Noonans of the world if/when
What Entertained Westerners On 26 February Throughout History, Or Since 1966, Anyway
Letting The NYT Do Some Work For Us.
Rumor Mill
This Is A Date That Sucks Throughout History Like All Others, & In Its Own Way As Well

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
25 February in Entertainment History
We Don't Care Either, 25 February Or Any Other Day
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Andrew Sullivan, Orwell Quoter, Is Still Working At The Ministry Of Truth, Possibly As A Mind Reader For Zombies
But the idea that Reagan would have authorized torture by his own administration is unimaginable to me. [...] he [Reagan] was viscerally opposed to inhumane treatment of anyoneThat's why they had to equip him w/ oven mitts when his senile dementia became even more pronounced, isn't it? Because St. Ronnie was just such an amiable, not-harmful dunce, right? And his incredible opposition to inhumane treatment? Tell that to the mentally ill still wandering the streets of California. And, uh, Andy? How close to Reagan's viscera did you get? You do realize that, as a politician & B-minus list actor, he could certainly fool a dim-wit like you?
If we had retaied [sic] the fiscal health of the Clinton-Gingrich years into the new millennium, our range of possible actions right now would be far less dire.
The Endless Historical Suffering Of A Species That Deserves To Suffer
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Coming War Of Southern Cracker Agression
Free Pancakes!!! Nation-Wide!!! (Shrove Tuesday? Oh, National Pancake Day)

Greensboro, NC -- In honor of National Pancake Day, IHOP's around the country are giving customers a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes. The giveaway is part of an effort to raise awareness and funds for Children's Miracle Network. They are asking for donations to benefit the charity.
The pancake special is offered on Tuesday, February 24 from 7 am until 10 pm.
IHOP says pancake lovers donated more than $875,00 to children's charities in 2008. They have set a goal of $1,000,000 for 2009!
Additional Information can be found by going to
WFMY News 2
St. Nick On A Stick, Why Do We Even Bother?
On February 23rd, 1957, Porter Wagoner joined the Grand Ole Opry. In 1965, Stan Laurel of the Laurel and Hardy comedy team died in Santa Monica, California. He was 74. In 1970, Canada's music awards, known as the Junos, were presented for the first time. The Guess Who won for best group that year. In 1978, at the 20th annual Grammy Awards, The Eagles won Record of the Year for "Hotel California." "Rumours" by Fleetwood Mac won the Album of the Year award. In 1979, Dire Straits began its first tour of North America. In 1983, the band Toto won six Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year for "Toto IV." In 1988, Michael Jackson kicked off his first solo US tour in Kansas City. In 1993, actor Anthony Hopkins was knighted by Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace. In 1994, a judge in Los Angeles dismissed a suit brought by Martha Raye against Bette Midler. Raye had said Midler stole her life story for the movie "For the Boys." In 1995, singer Melvin Franklin of The Temptations died of complications following a brain seizure in Los Angeles. He was 53. In 1996, actress Halle Berry and Atlanta Braves outfielder David Justice announced they were ending their three-year marriage. In 2003, Norah Jones won five Grammys, one for every category in which she was nominated, including album of the year. The Grammys show opened with Simon and Garfunkel, the first time they had performed together in a decade. In 2004, the finale of "Sex and the City" aired.
On This Date In The Never-Ending Wheel Of Crap

Sunday, February 22, 2009
No Comment Necessary, Because You Already Know We're Juvenile
But Never Better Late: This Date In Pointless Amusement
As American As Apple Pie & Murder Committed By An Eleven Yr. Old
"She didn't actually eyewitness the shooting. She saw him with what she believed to be a shotgun and heard a loud bang," Bongivengo said, adding that the weapon, a youth model 20-gauge shotgun, was found in what police believed was the boy's bedroom. The shotgun, which apparently belonged to Jordan, is designed for children, and such weapons do not have to be registered, Bongivengo said. Bongivengo would not say whether the boy confessed to the shooting.
The End Of Racism, Part Whatever

The Madison County Record, the sprightly weekly newspaper published at Huntsville, the county seat, broke the news first, but the nature of it guaranteed some national attention. Some 100 workers from Pennsylvania, about a third of them African Americans, came down to help the local electric cooperative restore power after the devastating ice storm last month took down just about every power pole in the county. They worked tirelessly clearing trees and putting up poles and lines in the ice and freezing rain to try to speed power to people. For their trouble, they were harassed and threatened by roving groups of young men shouting racial epithets* and pointing guns at them. The county sheriff said the young men would drive around the work teams waving Rebel flags and cursing the blacks. The workers were frightened enough to contact the sheriff’s office in nearby Washington County. Madison County is all white.Oh, oh, it was white folks baitin' the coloreds? Uh, I mean, demonstratin' racial pride? And honorin' they-uh heritage? Lak' that ol' Jew bitch on the tee vee use tuh say, "Wal, nevuh mind, tha-yats differnt."
Death & The Wrestler
Hey, Beeeeee-otch!!
"Nature Boy" Speaks
Today In The Eternal Suffering Of MankindHumanitySorry, Ladies!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
That About Which We Could Not Possibly Care Any Fucking Less
Department of Just Plain Goofy
Anonymous said... Why would anyone care if the idiot little El Salvadorian that seduced, raped and killed Casendra was hired by Gary condit? She is dead. a life snuffed in the D>C. park that has witnessed government killings, Ron Parks, Hillery's stooge who was supposed to kill himself by shooting himseld in the back between the shoulder blades. Deport the little faggot back to his Central american cesspool and let them care for his judgement. another testimony for homeland security to shoot them as they climbe the fence to come inNote that the item has nothing to do w/ the comment. (Also note that sawed-off coward Sucker Carlson has not yet responded to our challenge.) Or much of anything, really. And now examine the search that somehow led Anonymous to comment at that item.
she was just another d.c intern trying to make a career. the idiot salvadorian is a prime example of what effectiveness our border patrol and homeland security departments have. this guy probably was deported or sentAnd why it lead him to us. Searched on AOL, of course.
Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™: 11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007 He was part of a protest against U.S. support for El Salvador's government. ...... Any possibility we could make P. R. flack a profession that's just plain .... was strengthened by another internship, with California Republican Rep. ...... "She said, 'Somebody by the name of Ron Paul has been trying to take $5 out ...We're starting to think that an equivalent to a driver's license may be necessary for use of the Internetz. Or a eugenics campaign against the terminally ignorant & stupid, & not just for idiots using the Internet. At least, for the sake of humanity, shut down AOL & have all its users sterilized.