Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Will Not Be Missed, Ever

Oil heir & Catholic Falangist William F. Buckley Jr. (b. 1925, d. not a moment too soon) is now colder than a landlord's heart. Get the hot poop from the horse's ass, where all the drooling loonies (Jonah G.), cokeheads (Larry Kudlow), wingnut welfare grant-givers (The Heritage Foundation), Canadian crackpots (Mark Steyn), newspapers owned by dangerous cult-leaders (The Washington Times) & just plain dipshits (House Republican Leader John Boehner) chime in. And thanks to clif of Outside the Tent for providing an item about G. W(orst) Bush & his party for WFB (Whatta Fucking Buffoon?) to celebrate the 50th anniv. of Nazional Revue, w/ some wonderful links to some of NR's finer moments in the civil rights for "crazed Negroes" struggle. Personal Note: Your Editor met Mr. Buckley once, when we were seven or eight yrs. old & our parents (now both dead for their crimes) hosted a cocktail reception for "Bill" before or after a speech he gave somewhere in the Stanford University area (maybe even at the Hoover Institution). Whatever.


Larry Harmon said...

Jeeeee-zus, Bouff, you met William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, Reagan (almost), etc. etc. etc....... you really did grow up in the belly of the beast.....

M. Bouffant said...

Editor Answers:
Used to have a photo of ourself w/ Max Rafferty as well...We're just lucky we weren't dissolved by digestive acids, beast belly-wise...