Saturday, February 2, 2008

Annals of Sociology or Some Other Soft Science...

Interesting: Many of our fellow human dregs @ the Nat'l. Guard Armory receive their gov't. stipends (VA benefits, SSI, General Relief, whatever) on the first of the month, & (so I'm told) they take said money, run to downtown L. A., rent a cheap hotel room, & spend all their remaining money on consciousness alteration until the money runs out. This results in fewer occupants of the Armory, and larger portions of food being served to those of us who have our baser appetites under control. (Although there are few appetites baser than desire for food.) And, oddly enough, those who go off on a drug run seem to be those most likely to be loud, cause disturbances, etc. The result? A fairly pleasant evening in the Armory.


Larry Harmon said...

Gee..... it's hard for me to imagine a pleasant evening at the armory......

M. Bouffant said...

From The Editor:
Oh, it's not so bad. One lies on one's G. I. cot, reads one's library book & listens to the radio to drown out one's fellow internees. Most of the schizophrenics (& there aren't that many) just mumble to themselves rather than screech out loud.

Lot of the dregs of humanity are vets, some of whom are getting treatment @ the VA facility just across Wilshire. Talked to one guy who'd been getting treatment for alcoholism @ the VA, but once his three months or whatever of inpatient treatment were over, he had no place else to go.

Most of the vets are 'Nam era, so they're a bit older than The Editor, & too old to cause much trouble.

It's a vast improvement over 38th & Broadway Pl., & a much nicer neighborhood, although the West Los Angeles Regional Center library is nowhere near as filled w/ knowledge as the Central Library downtown.

Anonymous said...

I need to get some info from you about being roofless in SoCal. email me?

Anonymous said...

Once again: where is the PayPal button on your site?

Anonymous said...

I've been homeless too (he typed importantly).