Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Liberal" Fascism

More proof that "fascism" is totally liberal:

"People are very curious about us," said Gabor Vona, a former psychology student and rising star in Hungarian far-right politics. He founded the Hungarian Guard to defend what he describes as traditional values and his nation's cultural heritage. [...] The freedom that followed the collapse of communism, and then expanded with EU membership, has also unveiled a dark strain of anti-Semitism, prejudice and anti-immigrant sentiment that is being channeled by a new crop of small but noisy extremist groups. They are able to capitalize on disillusion among some segments of the population who feel bypassed by free-market reforms and globalization. [...] In Vona's view, Hungary never made the full transition from communism; he wants to get rid of Gyurcsany's Socialist government and return the country to an older time, with emphasis on pure Hungarian identity and Christian values. "Christian identity and Hungarian identity are one," Vona, who turns 30 this year, said in an interview at his office in Budapest. [...] What many people here find particularly provocative are the Hungarian Guard's uniforms (black caps, vests, pants and boots), insignia and flags. All of it is reminiscent of the Arrow Cross, Hungary's World War II fascist militiamen who worked with the Nazis and were responsible for or assisted in the slaughter of tens of thousands of the Hungarian Jews who were killed.Many Jews were shipped off to death camps; others were simply shot on the banks of the Danube and dumped into the river.

Vona says the red and white stripes and other emblems are from the medieval Arpad dynasty and weren't meant to evoke Nazism. But that explanation has convinced no one. [...] Anti-Semitism persists but has not been overtly violent in recent years, said Michael L. Miller, who teaches Jewish studies at Budapest's Central European University. He recalled being handed a leaflet a couple of years ago at a mainstream political rally that showed a big-nosed, kinky-haired man with a fistful of 100-euro bills, an unstated but not-so-subtle use of the Jew as the money-grubbing "outsider."

Sounds like the typical left-wing organization to us. Could be Code Pink, or


Anonymous said...

It's a hell of a thing; what the fuck am I supposed to do? To attack them violently is to become like them, to think that ignoring them will make them go away (probably) won't work, to be some happy victim and forgive them in the name of jeebus as they shoot you, doesn't sound like much of a future. Apparently there are anti-fascist types who disrupt neo-nazi rallies and raise community awareness and like that, G-d bless them, I'm too apathetic to.

M. Bouffant said...

The Editor Replies:
Oh, there's nothing anyone "moral " & rational can do...