Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Vote Early, Vote Often!

Rudely awakened @ 0400, instead of the usual 0545, as the 144th Field Artillery's Armory had to be used as a polling place today. And, last night's dinner was a suckfest: turkey log, boiled carrots, undercooked new potatoes. Plus my piece of day-old bread, no doubt from a snooty Westside restaurant, was wheat (Blech!) w/ a mess of icky seed things in it! P. U. & hmpf! So fuck "democracy," & fuck all you morons who think you live in a democracy. Technically, it's a "democratic republic," more accurately it's a kleptocracy. Or simply a shithole, & the capital of hypocrisy. Of course, if you're stupid enough to believe what you were told in high school civics classes (It's not called "civics" any more, is it? That went out w/ "junior high school," if not before.) it may not be hypocrisy. What exactly is it called when the ruled are too ignorant/stupid to realize they're being ruled w/ lies? Everyday human existence? The natural state of afffairs? Reality? Whatever you call it, it sucks.


Larry Harmon said...

Wow, you really ARE a white-bread kind of guy, aren't you? Turkey log, blecch, that sounds like something somebody's already eaten and excreted.

Larry Harmon said...

P.S. What I recall from high school civics class (actually, in the state of Illinois, we had it in the 8th grade), they didn't beat their chests about living in a "democracy", it was just pointless shit like "how a bill becomes a law", leaving out the part where lobbyists for huge corporations actually write the thing, as happened with the Medicare presciption drug plan.....

M. Bouffant said...

Editor's Blather:
Yep, white as they get. The "log" was just turkey meat all pressed together, like plywood or something, w/ a phony sort of "baked" crust on it. Ick!

We were thinking of "how a bill becomes a law" when we were making our snide little comments. Our spotty educational record prevented us from learning any American History or "civics" until college (& not much then).