Thursday, February 7, 2008

Loser Admits He's a Loser

It appears Mittens has quit (or "suspended" his campaign) & not a moment too soon. Any more of this "Democrats are going to surrender to terrorists" crap & it might have been time to apply a bit o' terror to Mormon boy. Hey, does this mean that the Mormon "Heavenly Father" doesn't exist? Or is powerless to affect events here on this planet (as opposed to the one he rules in outer space somewhere)? Wouldn't you think "Heavenly Pops" would want one of his boys running things here in America, where Jeezis made a special stop several hundred yrs. after his crucifixion & alleged revival? And where Jeezis will be returning to re-establish the Garden of Eden in Missouri or somewhere? Inquiring minds want to know, damnit!! Here's some bullshit (from the AP via MSNBC) from ol' Double Gitmo about "surrender:"
In a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington Thursday, Romney talked of Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama retreating in Iraq and declaring defeat. He then told the crowd he disagrees with McCain on a number of issues, but that he'd given the matter a lot of thought and if he fought on all the way to the Republican convention, " I forestall the launch of a national campaign and frankly I'd be making it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win. Frankly, in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror." Romney added, "If this were only about me, I can go on. But its never been only about me. I entered this race... because I love America, and because I love America, in this time of war, I feel I now have to stand aside, for our party and for our country." The former Massachusetts Republican governor has been seriously trailing McCain in the delegate count since Super Tuesday. [Emphasis added.] Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., remains in the race but trails Romney in the delegate counts.
We're closer & closer to a McCain/Huckleberry ticket. Two spiteful assholes w/ thin skins (anger management issues, in other words). Oh, swell. We just can't have too many hateful dipshits running This Great Nation of Ours™, can we? P. S.: Romney, McCain, & their pants-pissing ilk have already "surrendered to terror," merely by whining about it all the time.


Larry Harmon said...

Wow, like the poor excuse for an American that I am, I was at the hospital today rather than glued to the tube like every other unemployed loser. This is the first I've heard about Romney giving in.......

Anonymous said...

Ma questo Willie Mittens is not so stupid.

Segondo la televisione CBS:

Totale money raised for 'is campaign:
$90,076, 402.
Totale personal loan de Willie:
Totale spent:
Left over to buy pizza:

Ma, where is all the money gone?

'ow much do we owe Willie for 'is loan?


M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Answer:
Those chartered jets & feeding all five sons & their wives & spawn are not cheap.

"Willie Mittens." Hee hee. That's funny enough to make us hope he runs in '12.