[I]t would cause a worldwide economic collapse," Tancredo said of a nuclear attack on U.S soil. "If all of a sudden we are not a consuming engine of the world, the producing nations will collapse also. That is what they want, that is what they are looking for, to end Western civilization as we know it."
And do not for an instant believe that Representative Tancredo (R-No Chance Whatever) is ignoring other dangers to Our Way of Life.
Neither are Iowans:
Waukee Republican Tom Miller, 57, said he thinks Tancredo is right to warn that the United States is in a "clash of civilizations" against radical Islam, China and illegal immigration.
There it is in stark relief. The Big Three. (The RadIslamoCommunoChineseMeskins. Shorter version: The Yellow Peril.) Either you understand the problem or you don't. (When you understand the problem, you understand the solution, of course.) And the problem w/ Tom? (From Meet Tom on his website):
Tom Tancredo is a lifelong conservative with nearly a decade of experience in the U.S. Congress. There he advanced his reputation as a solid pro-life, pro-gun, small government Republican, and emerged as the leader in the national struggle for true immigration reform.
Note that in Congress he "advanced his reputation as a" blah, blah, blah. Didn't do anything, just advanced his rep. On the taxpayer's dime. It's all about somebody, and his initials are T. T.
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