Saturday, May 6, 2023

Mental Health Saturday From Samoa

Support Mental Health Awareness — Or I'll Kill You!!

From Poetry, February, 1964.
"Mental Health" is fascism. These are the United Snakes of America, & you can't tell me or anyone else how to behave
or act, what to do, or anything the hell else!! Land of the free!!
I kid you not.
And hey, how about Mental Health HELP & ASSISTANCE yr.-round & on-demand, rather than "Awareness" (whatever the fuck that is) one crummy month of the yr.?
Expecting "mental health" is ridiculous when we're imprisoned in a world of shit & pain where all must produce & consume while headed for inevitable death. Only a complete moron wouldn't be stressed, depressed, isolated & angry living like that.
At least I'm not a moron.

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