Monday, September 6, 2021

Recall Up-Date

Exactly what California needs: A lying 69-yr. old cretin, who of course won't govern (Those who can, do; those who can't lie like rugs on the radio five days a wk.) or do anything about the plague, but will shoot off his yap non-stop until next yr.'s gubernatorial election.
During their conversation, Elder and Owens, who are both Black, touched on the topic of reparations, which are commonly advocated for by Black activist groups as a way to mitigate the financial repercussions of slavery by transferring federal funds and other resources to America’s Black communities.

Elder, however, argued that enslaved individuals were legally deemed “property” at the time. He noted that slave owners and their estates are owed compensation for the human property they lost following the end of the Civil War and the passage of the 13th amendment which partially abolished slavery after 1865.

“When people talk about reparations, do they really want to have that conversation? Like it or not, slavery was legal,” Elder said. “Their legal property was taken away from them after the Civil War, so you could make an argument that the people that are owed reparations are not only just Black people but also the people whose ‘property’ was taken away after the end of the Civil War.”

The conversation began when Owens, known for using her platform to spread misinformation, incorrectly stated that the United States was “one of the first countries that banned the slave trade.”

The U.S. was actually one of the last to do so, according to PolitiFact.

In response, Elder said that the United Kingdom’s government “compensated slave owners” with “substantial amounts of money “after they lost their “property.” This was a major reason why the U.K. never fought a battle like the Civil War in America, Elder argued.

Per the Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slavery, after the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 was passed in the U.K., former slave owners received £20 million in compensation from the British Slave Compensation Commission.

“You look at the amount of money adjusted for today’s dollars, it’s a great deal of money that the former slave owners got, which is one of the reasons they didn’t fight a war,” Elder speculated, providing no further evidence to verify the claim.

Also, Newsom's sending the mud people to your suburbs.
[The Grio]

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