VIDEO: Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!— Jayda Fransen (@JaydaBF) November 29, 2017
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Our source. Good luck after that. |
VIDEO: Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!— Jayda Fransen (@JaydaBF) November 29, 2017
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Our source. Good luck after that. |
MON 30 NOV 1942
Battle of Tassafaronga: TF 67, comprising four heavy cruisers, one light cruiser, and six destroyers (Rear Admiral Carlton H. Wright) surprises Japanese destroyers (Captain Sato Torajiro) off Tassafaronga Point, Guadalcanal. The enemy presses on to jettison supply containers to sustain Japanese troops on Guadalcanal, while torpedoes launched from destroyers Kagero, Makinami, Kuroshio, Oyashio, Kawakaze and Naganami wreak havoc on Wright's ships, damaging heavy cruisers Pensacola (CA-24), Northampton (CA-26), New Orleans (CA-32), and Minneapolis (CA-36). Japanese destroyer Takanami is damaged by cruiser and destroyer gunfire off Tassafaronga (see 1 December).
USAAF B-24s (India Air Task Force) bomb Japanese torpedo boat Kari off Port Blair, Andaman Island, in a strike that inaugurates attacks on the sea approaches to Burma.
German auxiliary cruiser Thor (Schiffe 10) is sunk by explosion of supply ship Uckermark, moored alongside, Yokohama, Japan. The blast also sinks German prize ship Leuthen and Japanese harbor craft in the vicinity.
Indian Ocean
German auxiliary cruiser Michel (Schiffe 28) rescues four additional Armed Guard sailors who have survived the sinking of U.S. freighter Sawokla the previous day (see 18 February 1943).
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Damn thing's older than this reporter, & that's old! |
Ivana Hrynkiw /
Minister who sang for Roy Moore lied for son accused of molesting Honduran orphans — One of the ministers who serves a Theodore church where Roy Moore spoke Wednesday night was federally convicted of trying to block an investigation involving claims his son molested children in Honduras.Discussion:Brad Reed / Raw Story: Roy Moore-backing Alabama pastor lied to cover son's alleged molestation of orphansJennifer Van Laar / RedState: Roy Moore Names Who's Behind “Malicious” AllegationsRELATED:Brianna Sacks / BuzzFeed:
Roy Moore Just Blamed His Sexual Misconduct Allegations On Lesbians, Gays, And SocialistsDiscussion:Matt Shuham / Talking Points Memo: Moore: Socialists, Liberals, LGBT People Behind Accusations Against MeRebecca Savransky / The Hill: Moore says lesbians, gays, socialists behind sexual misconduct allegations
Not a question of intestinal fortitude for me; I won't have anything to lose, & will therefore be as free to do anything I fucking want as I've ever been. Senator Rubio & the other elitist Republican pigs who would starve senior citizens & ration their health care ("Death panels!!" Remember?) had better start watching their backs.Tracey Longo /
Rubio: Offset Tax Cuts By Reducing Social Security, Medicare Benefits — Tax reform is only one piece of the overall puzzle needed to revitalize the American economy, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told a group of Washington, D.C., lobbyists and policy analysts this morning at a Politico Playbook …Discussion:
🎜I'm makin' a list, I'm checking it twice; soon we'll be rid of these parasitic lice ...🎝Alice Ollstein / Talking Points Memo: Collins: McConnell Promised Me Medicare Cuts Won't Happen
SUN 29 NOV 1942
USAAF B-17s damage Japanese destroyers Shiratsuyu and Makigumo in Vitiaz Strait off New Britain.
Aircraft from Henderson Field sink Japanese cargo ships Azusa Maru and Kiku Maru, Wickham Anchorage, New Georgia.
Indian Ocean
U.S. freighter Sawokla is sunk by torpedo and gunfire of German auxiliary cruiser Michel (Schiffe 28) at approximately 28°00'S, 54°00'E, about 400 miles southeast of Madagascar, while en route from Colombo, Ceylon, to Cape Town, South Africa; 16 of the 41-man crew are killed in the attack, as are four of the 13 Armed Guard sailors. Michel rescues 25 crewmen, five Armed Guard sailors and the five passengers (see 30 November).
Stephen Collinson / CNN:
Trump's behavior raises questions of competency — STORY HIGHLIGHTS — Trump potentially has millions of lives in his hands as the threat of a devastating war with North Korea — Washington (CNN)Donald Trump potentially has millions of lives in his hands as the threat of a devastating war with North Korea swiftly escalates.Discussion:Nancy LeTourneau / Washington Monthly: Quick Takes: Is Trump Incompetent, Delusional or Unhinged?Jason Easley / Politicus USA: Trump Just Made A Comment That Revealed Why He Should Be Removed From Office Right NowRichard Wolffe / The Guardian: Yet more proof: Donald Trump is a fascist sympathiserGerman Lopez / Vox: Trump is still reportedly pushing his racist “birther” conspiracy theory about Obama
North Korea Successfully Tests Missile That Could Hit Mar-a-Lago
Kim Jong Un’s nuclear-weapons program took a leap forward Tuesday when an ICBM flew high enough to theoretically strike the entire United States.
SAT 28 NOV 1942
United States
"Cocoanut Grove" nightclub in Boston, Massachusetts, catches fire; Ensigns George W. Carlson and Mac A. Cason, SC-V(P), USNR, driving through the city at that hour, respond immediately when they see flames issuing from the burning building. Exhibiting courage, leadership and resourcefulness, these two Supply Corps officers, who organize rescue parties from enlisted men they see in the gathering crowd, are later deemed "the cause of saving more lives than any other single agency." Despite rescuers' efforts, however, 492 people perish in the tragedy.
Cargo ship Alchiba (AK-23) is damaged by Japanese midget submarine Ha.10 (from submarine I-16) 3,000 yards northeast of Lunga Point, Guadalcanal (see 7 December).
USAAF B-17s attack Japanese convoy en route from Munda, New Georgia, to Guadalcanal, and damage cargo vessel Chihaya Maru.
Gunboat Erie (PG-50), torpedoed by German submarine U-163 on 12 November, is moved into the inner harbor at Willemstad, Curacao, N.W.I., to prevent her from sinking and to facilitate salvage (see 12 November and 5 December).
Aircraft escort vessel Chenango (ACV-28) is damaged by heavy seas, North Atlantic.
U.S. freighter Alaskan is torpedoed, shelled and sunk by German submarine U-172 about 400 miles north of St. Paul's Rocks, 03°58'N, 26°19'W; six merchant seamen and one Armed Guard sailor are killed in the attack (see 13 and 15 December 1942, and 5 January 1943).
And if I may add: FUCK CHRISTMAS!!Fuck you!
I live on less than US$17,000.00/yr. (in Los Angeles) & I am sick to my fucking stomach of you gawd-damned parasites, here & at every other fucking piece of shit web-log across the iNternet, begging for money. I never pan-handled even when I was homeless. Have you neither pride nor shame?
P.S.: I'm "indebted" too. Big deal!!
Sounds about right to me. Off w/ both their heads!Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death ...18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
FRI 27 NOV 1942Added poop:
USAAF B-26s sink Japanese army cargo ship Kachosan Maru off Attu.
French Fleet at Toulon is scuttled to prevent it from falling into German hands. French naval vessels immobilized in this manner include 3 battleships, 4 heavy cruisers, 3 light cruisers, an aircraft depot ship, 30 destroyers, 3 torpedo boats, 16 submarines and 11 gunboats and auxiliaries.
U.S. freighter Jeremiah Wadsworth is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-178 approximately 270 miles south of Cape Agulhas, South Africa, 39°25'S, 22°23'E; there are no casualties among the 43-man merchant crew and the 14-man Armed Guard (see 5 and 6 December).
On this day in 1942, French Admiral Jean de Laborde sinks the French fleet anchored in Toulon harbor, off the southern coast of France, in order to keep it out of German hands.
In June 1940, after the German invasion of France and the establishment of an unoccupied zone in the southeast, led by Gen. Philippe Petain, Adm. Jean Darlan was committed to keeping the French fleet out of German control. At the same time, as a minister in the government that had signed an armistice with the Germans, one that promised a relative “autonomy” to Vichy France, Darlan was prohibited from sailing that fleet to British or neutral waters. But a German-commandeered fleet in southern France, so close to British-controlled regions in North Africa, could prove disastrous to the Brits, who decided to take matters into their own hands by launching Operation Catapult: the attempt by a British naval force to persuade the French naval commander at Oran to either break the armistice and sail the French fleet out of the Germans’ grasp—or to scuttle it. And if the French wouldn’t, the Brits would.
And the British tried. In a five-minute missile bombardment, they managed to sink one French cruiser and two old battleships. They also killed 1,250 French sailors. This would be the genesis of much bad blood between France and England throughout the war. General Petain broke off diplomatic relations with Great Britain.
But two years later, with the Germans now in Vichy and the armistice already violated, Admiral Laborde finished the job the British had started. As the Germans launched Operation Lila, the attempt to commandeer the French fleet, Laborde ordered the sinking of 2 battle cruisers, 4 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, 1 aircraft transport, 30 destroyers, and 16 submarines. Three French subs managed to escape the Germans and make it to Algiers, Allied territory. Only one sub fell into German hands. The marine equivalent of a scorched-earth policy had succeeded.
"Rumors swirl" in the idiot-o-sphere.Shawn Boburg / Washington Post:
A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation. — A woman who falsely claimed to The Washington Post that Roy Moore, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, impregnated her as a teenager appears …Discussion:Erica Pandey / Axios: Washington Post identifies false accusation against Roy MooreJoe Jervis / Joe.My.God.: Right Wing Extremist James O'Keefe Fails To Sting Washington Post With Fake Roy Moore Accuser [VIDEO]
Rebecca Savransky / The Hill:
Morrissey: I would kill Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’ — British singer Morrissey said in a new interview he would kill President Trump if given the option. — During an interview with Der Spiegel, Morrissey, the former The Smiths frontman, was asked: “If there was a button …Discussion:
THU 26 NOV 1942
USAAF B-26s damage Japanese merchant cargo ship Cheribon Maru off Attu, Aleutians.
If this is who we are or who we are becoming, I have wasted 40 years of my life. Until now it was not possible for me to conceive of an American President capable of such an outrageous assault on truth, a free press or the first amendment.
— Gen Michael Hayden (@GenMhayden) November 26, 2017
WED 25 NOV 1942
USAAF B-25s and P-40s damage Japanese merchant cargo ship Ryokusei Maru at Canton, China.
Japanese submarine I-17 lands 11 tons of supplies at Kamimbo Bay, Guadalcanal. Submarine missions to supply the beleaguered Japanese garrison on Guadalcanal will continue through the end of November.
Transport Thomas Stone (AP-59), damaged by grounding, North African area, is left beached and abandoned, 36°49'N, 03°07'E.
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At a future moment, when he & Ivanka "Piece of Ass" Trumpette-Kushner are convicted (like Jared's creepy father) they'll be in prison "to stay" too.“We’re here to stay,” Kushner told The Washington Post. “At the current moment, we’re charging forward.”
Suddenly it's "fake news"? After he admitted it? Trump's testimony at his various trials should be highly amusing.New York Times:
Why Trump Stands by Roy Moore, Even as It Fractures His Party — By the time Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, made the last of his repeated pleas to President Trump to keep his distance from the Senate candidacy of Roy S. Moore, it was too late.Discussion:Matt Shuham / Talking Points Memo: NYT: Trump Expressed Disbelief At Ivanka's Criticism Of Roy MooreBenjamin Hart / New York Magazine: President Trump Now Says That Wasn't Him on Access Hollywood TapeDavid Ferguson / Raw Story: Trump is telling people the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape was faked — even after he admitted it was real in 2016Joe Jervis / Joe.My.God.: Trump Recently Claimed #Pussygate Tape Is Fake
Not to be cynical or anything, but here's another one, from a couple of wks. ago.Marwa Eltagouri / Washington Post:
He thought he saw a deer and fired his pistol. Now his neighbor is dead.
Beth Baumann / Hunter Accidentally Kills a Woman Walking Her Two Dogs
Why are these pin-dicked murderers "mistaking" women for deer?The 34-year-old victim was hunting for gemstones on her property when she was shot. In an affidavit, Trundy said he thought he was firing at a deer but he acknowledged he never saw the deer's outline. Wardens say he fired from 200 feet away.
"Youth Pastor", of course, is Jesus talk for "church-approved child molesting sicko". Maybe his family wised up to him.WTVR-TV:
Youth pastor arrested for allegedly murdering family on Thanksgiving … CHESTER, Va. - Police have arrested a youth pastor for allegedly murdering his family at a home in Chester on Thanksgiving night. — Officers discovered two women and a man shot to death at a home on Dogwood Ridge Court …Discussion:
Gabrielle Okun / The Daily Caller: Pastor In Custody After Allegedly Shooting Three People On ThanksgivingSarah K. Burris / Raw Story: Virginia youth pastor accused of murdering his family on ThanksgivingTracybloomktla / KTLA: Youth Pastor Accused of Killing Wife, 2 Others at Virginia Home on Thanksgiving
TUE 24 NOV 1942
Japanese forces land at Munda Point, New Georgia, Solomons.
Submarine Snapper (SS-185) is damaged by aerial bombs and depth charges off northern Solomons, 07°58'S, 156°12'E, but remains on patrol.
USAAF B-17s and B-25s and RAAF Beaufighters sink Japanese destroyer Hayashio in Huon Gulf between Lae and Finschafen, New Guinea, 07°00'S, 147°30'E, and damage torpedo boats Otori and Hiyodori east of Lae.
USAAF B-17s also damage Japanese seaplane carrier Sanuki Maru in Shortland Harbor, Solomons.
Transport Thomas Stone (AP-59) is damaged by horizontal bomber off North Africa, 36°48'N, 03°10'E.
Carol Robinson /
Thanksgiving night fight shuts down Alabama's largest mall 40 minutes early — Thanksgiving night fight shuts down Riverchase Galleria mall early — Shoppers getting an early start on Black Friday deals had their Thanksgiving trek to the Riverchase Galleria cut short when fights broke out in the mall.Discussion:Colin Kalmbacher / Law & Crime: Black Friday Brawl At Alabama Mall Results In Multiple Arrests (VIDEO)Jeffrey Caplan / AOL: Early start to Black Friday ended with fight night that shut down this Alabama mallDavid Boddiger / Splinter: Thanksgiving Brawl Shuts Down Alabama's Biggest MallVictoria Taft / IJR: Black Friday Brawl Forces Alabama Mall to Close Early
MON 23 November 1942
Aircraft escort vessels Sangamon (ACV-26) and Chenango (ACV-28) are damaged by heavy seas, North Atlantic.
U.S. tanker Caddo, en route from Baytown, Texas, to Iceland, is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-518 at 42°25'N, 48°27'E, and abandoned, with the 58 men on board (42-man merchant complement and 17-man Armed Guard) [Check the math. — M.B.] taking to three lifeboats. U-518 briefly interrogates survivors, taking ship's master and another officer as prisoners, and departs after the German offer of cigarettes is refused (see 7 and 8 December).
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Stuck At The Airport |
Tom Namako / BuzzFeed:
Here's What Trump Told The Coast Guard When He Visited Them On Thanksgiving — “I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies.” — President Trump visited and addressed the Coast Guard in Riviera Beach …Discussion:
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No doubt a © violation. Sue us, D.C./Warner Bros.! |
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
“We haven’t seen numbers like this since the Great Depression,” Georgia Berkovich, director of public affairs for the Midnight Mission, said as she described the need for donations and volunteers throughout the entire year.
SUN 22 NOV 1942
USAAF planes (14th Air Force) on shipping strike sink Vichy French ship Khai Dinh east of Haiphong harbor, French Indochina, 20°58'N, 106°40'E.
Damaged U.S. tanker Brilliant arrives at St. John's, Newfoundland, completing a 300-mile voyage under the command of the ship's junior third officer (see 18 December).
Indian Ocean
Survivors from U.S. freighter Alcoa Pathfinder, sunk the previous day by German submarine U-181, row ashore, reaching land about 12 miles north of Oro Point, whence they walk to lighthouse and to airfield. Entire 15-man Armed Guard unit survives, as do 55 of the 61-man crew and the solitary passenger.
Bear in mind that, despite the impression the fake news headlines might give you, Lumpy does not actually own these fucking dumps.New York Times:
Trump Organization Will Walk Away From Its Struggling SoHo Hotel in New York — The announcement came on his television show, “The Apprentice.” Donald J. Trump would open his second luxury hotel in New York, a “work of art” in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan that would become “an awe-inspiring masterpiece.”Discussion:
Jonathan O'Connell / Washington Post: Trump's name is coming off his SoHo hotel as politics weigh on president's brandRebekah Entralg / ThinkProgress: Trump Organization is walking away from its floundering Trump SoHo hotelHaley Britzky / Axios: Trump Org. walking away from SoHo hotelAdam K. Raymond / New York Magazine: The Trump Organization Is Bailing on Its Struggling Soho HotelKate Taylor / Business Insider: The Trumps are cutting ties with the five-star Trump SoHo hotel after business plummeted post-electionLawrence Bonk / Mediaite: Trump Organization Ditches Struggling SoHo Hotel, Erasing Name From EstablishmentJoe Jervis / Joe.My.God.: Trump Gives Up On Flagship Manhattan Hotel
Both properties were examples of the sleight of hand Trump has employed to make himself sound like
a more impressive real estate executive than he was. He owned neither property, but instead managed them and lent his name to the buildings.
Joe Berkowitz / GQ:
It's Your Civic Duty to Ruin Thanksgiving by Bringing Up Trump — This Turkey Day, consider making life HELL for a few of your relatives. — It's late-November 2017, and you know what that means: Every man you've ever seen on TV for any reason has just been unmasked as a woman-hating sewer ghoul.Discussion:Fox News Insider: OUTRAGEOUS GQ: It's Your ‘Civic Duty’ to Ruin Thanksgiving for Your Trump-Supporting Family MembersJim Hoft / The Gateway Pundit: GQ Has Knives Out for Trump - Tells Readers to Ruin Thanksgiving DinnerBetty Cracker / Balloon Juice: Convert that Gravy Boat into a Battleship!
There is something very, very wrong w/ a nation that would assassinate John F. Kennedy but has let Donald J(erk). Trump live unthreatened for this long.— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) November 22, 2017
UPDATE (1320PDT): Oh. My. Fucking. Gawd! "Thanks" to Juanita Jean.Abby Livingston / The Texas Tribune:
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton apologizes for graphic online photo — Texas Congressman Joe Barton released a statement Wednesday apologizing for a graphic nude photo of him that circulated on social media earlier this week. He announced his re-election bid earlier this month.Discussion:
Kyle Cheney / Politico: GOP congressman Barton apologizes for nude selfie
Minutes after saying he’s hard at work, Trump goes to his golf club for the 50th time
Trump and his White House have repeatedly insisted he will be hard at work during his Thanksgiving vacation in Florida, which of course means he's hitting the links again.
Old numbers; the sentiment remains the same.Brad Reed / Raw Story:
White House insists Trump will have a ‘full schedule’ — then he shows up at the golf course