A senior military official involved in the investigation described “very smooth, very cool” conversation between the pilots during the early part of the flight from Barcelona to Düsseldorf. Then the audio indicated that one of the pilots left the cockpit and could not re-enter.
“The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer,” the investigator said. “And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer.”
He said, “You can hear he is trying to smash the door down.”
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Musical (I'm Non-Violent But
Touch Me & I'll) Break (Your Arm!)
M. Bouffant
Sam Bramwell - It A Go Dread Ina Babylon + Dub
To Be Poor Is A Crime extended + My God Dub
Eek A Mouse - Wicked Shall Not Reign
We Jump On The Bandwagon & Attempt To Harrass & Hurt Feelings: Fuck You, Lee Kuan Yew!
M. Bouffant
Further on a previous item about Singapore's founding father, Lee Kuan Hitler.
While we're on the subject of Singapore, be prepared for Religious Feelings Acts like this in many of our less enlightened states:
Neither of those two murderous pigs have ever felt "shame" about anything as far as this reporter can discern. (And honestly, isn't "shame" a pathetically bourgeois concept? In-fucking-deed, their very rejection of such inane middle-class values throughout their lives is one of the reasons they are notorious, idiot! How about a lecture on "civility" while you're at it?)Lee Kuan Yew is finally dead — and America’s elites are eulogizing a tyrant and psychological monster
Lee Kuan Yew made Singapore wealthy & kept people in line with barbaric fear. Clinton & Kissinger should be ashamed
While we're on the subject of Singapore, be prepared for Religious Feelings Acts like this in many of our less enlightened states:
Next door, meanwhile:(Reuters) - A Singapore teenager has been charged with harassment and insulting a religious group for comments he made on social media about former premier Lee Kuan Yew and Christians soon after Lee's death, authorities said on Tuesday.
Amos Yee, who police said was 16, was charged under the recently enacted Protection from Harassment Act over a YouTube video in which he celebrated the death of Lee, the founding father of modern Singapore who died last week aged 91 and was cremated after a state funeral on Sunday.
Yee's case has reignited concerns about censorship and social controls in the Asian financial hub and drew criticism from an international media freedom watchdog.
Other offences on Yee's charge sheet included intentionally wounding the religious or racial feelings of another person, which carries a jail term of up to three years, and circulating an obscene image.
Yee faces a fine of up to S$5,000 (U.S.$3,633) if found guilty of the harassment charge.
The only people in this world worse than Americans are the rest of them. [spits loudly in disgust](Reuters) - Police have arrested three editors from a Malaysian news portal on suspicion of sedition, their lawyers and authorities said on Tuesday, over a news report on discussions about punishments meted out under Islamic law.
The offices of The Malaysian Insider portal were raided by police and officials from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) late on Monday.
Managing editor Lionel Morais, features editor Zulkifli Sulong and Malay news editor Amin Iskandar were taken into custody and several computers and other items were confiscated.
Authorities in socially conservative Malaysia have conducted a series of arrests since last August for sedition, detaining opposition politicians, activists, and academics. Nurul Izzah Anwar, the daughter of jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, was arrested for sedition this month over a speech made in parliament.
The latest arrests were over an article that said the Confederation of Rulers - Malaysia's monarchy - had rejected a proposal to amend a federal law that could allow the use of the Islamic punishment, hudud, in Malaysia.
Malaysia's Islamist opposition party is calling for strict enforcement of sharia, or Islamic law, for Muslims that includes amputations and stonings.
Turkish Resistance
M. Bouffant
Photo: Gunman holds pistol to the head of prosecutor in Istanbul - @ntv Also:
Berkin Elvan savcısını adliyede rehin aldılar, ağzını bantlayıp ellerini kelepçelediler http://t.co/vKNiE6N5JQ pic.twitter.com/jMv8PFOfjd
— NTV (@ntv) March 31, 2015
Say, could Turkey go the way of Yemen? Let's hope so.Power outage hits much of Turkey;
officials won't rule out terrorism
Sick Sick Sick & Tired
M. Bouffant
Sweet Blood of Jesus I am sick sick sick & tired of hearing or reading about the hateful basketball-addled residents of Hoosier-land. Screw alla you rat bastards!Here's the truth: If not a good beating.
Son of a fucking bitch this sheep-populated nation needs a Freedom From Religion Act!SB 101 will help protect religious freedom in Indiana by providing protection for individuals with sincerely held religious beliefs, along with Christian businesses and churches.
SB 101 will help protect individuals, Christian businesses and churches from those supporting homosexual marriages and those supporting government recognition and approval of gender identity (male cross-dressers).
Here are just 3 examples:Christian bakers, florists and photographers should not be punished for refusing to participate in a homosexual marriage! A Christian business should not be punished for refusing to allow a man to use the women’s restroom! A church should not be punished because they refuse to let the church be used for a homosexual wedding!
Bullshit Talks While
The Money Walks
M. Bouffant
Ladies & Germs, the Free Market of Ideas:
And now you know the rest of the story. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hah!National Review, the conservative magazine founded by William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955, is becoming a nonprofit, the On Media blog has learned.
Since its launch, the magazine has operated as a not-for-profit business, even as it came to rely on more and more donations in recent years. Starting next month, it will become a nonprofit organization, which will make it exempt from federal taxes. National Review also plans to merge with the nonprofit National Review Institute, its sister organization, according to a source with knowledge of the plans.
Reached for comment, editor Rich Lowry said the move to nonprofit status officially recognized "what has always been the case: We're a mission and a cause, not a profit-making business." He added, "The advantage of the move is that all the generous people who give us their support every year will now be able to give tax-deductible contributions, and that we will be able to do more fundraising, in keeping with our goal to keep growing in the years ahead."
"We are making the change from a position of strength. We are the largest opinion magazine in the country (150,000 circulation all told) and employ more people than we ever have," he said. "We want to go out and tap the conservative philanthropic community to get even bigger and better."
"Most similar publications — from Commentary on the right to Mother Jones on the Left — are nonprofits, a reflection of the fact that publishing a serious opinion magazine has never been a profitable business, and never will be," he added. "We are just changing in keeping with the industry standard."
"To Be Honest With You"
M. Bouffant
Political Wire does some research:
[Image from stevegoiterman's Bucket]
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"Christ, what a two-faced asshole." |
Monday, March 30, 2015
Off The Grid!
M. Bouffant
"Off" in the sense of total destruction: Bring it down tear it down burn it down!! Can't wait until America is ripping apart its housing stock to burn for heat & cooking. Back to nature, defilers of the earth, & not a moment too soon!PG&E. It is to laugh.
Anyway, too damn bad I haven't the knowledge or desire to learn how to hack & destroy; causing trouble & suffering for millions might actually be better than merely murdering the relatively few I could get w/ the standard "take as many w/ me as possible" approach.
Anyway, too damn bad I haven't the knowledge or desire to learn how to hack & destroy; causing trouble & suffering for millions might actually be better than merely murdering the relatively few I could get w/ the standard "take as many w/ me as possible" approach.
Today In Senile Dementia:
What The Hell's The Problem Ron?
M. Bouffant
Ha ha ha ha ha fuck you, amiable dunce.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print]Tracking Discourse Complexity Preceding Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Changes in some lexical features of language have been associated with the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Here we describe a method to extract key features from discourse transcripts, which we evaluated on non-scripted news conferences from President Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1994, and President George Herbert Walker Bush, who has no known diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Key word counts previously associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease were extracted and regression analyses were conducted. President Reagan showed a significant reduction in the number of unique words over time and a significant increase in conversational fillers and non-specific nouns over time. There was no significant trend in these features for President Bush.
Enough? Too Damn Many!
M. Bouffant
Wrong, bleeding heart: It is time to make good on the promise of sterilizing every last one of the house/car-owning polluting consuming cretins destroying this planet w/ their unending flow of undifferentiated tissue, of which each pseudo-living glob thereof will be convinced it has a "right" to consume more plastic crap & the obligation/necessity to produce more plastic shit which will lock the planet in the greenhouse of doom.It’s time to end the era of
coerced sterilization
Sunday, March 29, 2015
M. Bouffant
Idle thoughts on religious freedom that'd been percolating & then boiled over at Mock Paper Scissors instead of here, because I would've tortured myself w/ links, a conclusion & other such perfectionist crap if I'd bothered here.
DReduce, reuse recycle:
00Rate ThisNo “special” (like everybody else’s) rights for the ‘mos! they howl. Really? How much more “special” could this law be?Like the Mark of The Beast, oddly enough; you probably won’t be able to buy or sell in a Jebus store unless you have a cross hanging around your neck.Just hoping someone has the guts to turn an obvious Xian away from their business & take the resulting whine-fest to court.
Today In "Animus"
M. Bouffant
Projection as well, also too:
White House 'animosity' toward Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu 'is reprehensible,' House Speaker John Boehner says - @cnnbrk
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"Christ what a hypocritical asshole." |
It Was 50 Yrs. Ago Today ...
M. Bouffant
Same place.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
It Was Fifty Years Ago Today ...
M. Bouffant
Friday, March 27, 2015
Fri. Aft. URL Round-Up/Dump
M. Bouffant
Well, let's see here. Uh-uh, what about ... nah. Then, uh, oh, I know ... nope ... mmm ...
Aaaaaahh, fuck it.
Aaaaaahh, fuck it.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Dedication Time
M. Bouffant
One of the most pathetic popular songs (w/ a vocal performance that must be heard to be believed) everof the 30 yrs. from the late 1950s to, say, the late 1980s when I gave up (Mercifully, we've no idea what new frontiers in awful crap have been opened since.) we're sending this one out to some very special people, in no particular order:
And from the Not That Big a Deal But Typically Lame Dep't.:
In A Major Reversal, Rand Paul Pushes For Higher Defense Spending
At Private Dinner, Sources Say Scott Walker Has A Totally Different Take On Immigration
Jeb Bush: I don't read The New York TimesPlus which:
Today In Third* World Infrastructure:
Decline & Falling Down
M. Bouffant
New York New York, it's a helluva town, 'less you're underneath a building when it falls to the ground ...Katy/Kate has a way w/ words. Remember this well, America: Kill your landlord (NOW!!) before his glibertarian bullshit/cheapness & greed kills you!
*W/ the end of state capitalism in the Soviet Union & so on, just what is the "Second" World these days?
Oh fuck! pic.twitter.com/3uAVmbMiTq
— Katy Farina (@Kate_Farina) March 26, 2015
123 Second Ave explosion. FDNY here. pic.twitter.com/fvpeeu6fhp
— Scott Westerfeld (@ScottWesterfeld) March 26, 2015
From the scene of the 2nd Ave building collapse http://t.co/HY5AjtbmeL pic.twitter.com/o9IPpxzajr
— New York Post Metro (@nypmetro) March 26, 2015
*W/ the end of state capitalism in the Soviet Union & so on, just what is the "Second" World these days?
Aviation Up-Date
M. Bouffant
Thought It Said "High School"
M. Bouffant
First impression: Incorrect. (Just "High," not "High School".)(Terribly fucking sorry, but the cretinous sub-human morons at the shithole of incompetence that is Soundcloud seem unable to put a visible volume control on their shit-sucking player. If it's too loud or soft please leave Web of Evil alone & tell Soundcloud to fuck off w/ a splintery broomstick!)
The advantages of literacy:
The advantages of literacy:
Son of a fucking bitch, you wonder what in hell it's like inside their clouded minds.“We’ve got somebody in the White House who effectively, peace be upon him, acts like a Muslim and a Marxist the same time,” Kincaid told host Rick Wiles, before calling Secretary of State John Kerry “an agent of Hanoi” who is just one of many “people in positions of power who are working actively for the enemies of the United States.”
Wiles laid out a scenario where Obama refuses to leave office after his second term: “This guy is so wacked-out, if he could create a crisis, I think he would stay in the White House.”
Kincaid said that while he doesn’t know if the president would attempt to stay in office, he believes Obama is “working actively for the enemies of the United States, and Iran is just one of them. I would include in that China, I would include in that Russia, global Islam; it’s going to be tough to survive these last two years. We need the help of God here.”
“This is guy is mentally unstable,” Wiles said of Obama. “He’s not incompetent, he knows exactly what he was doing. Hitler was wacked-out and Hitler was very competent in carrying out his agenda but he was mentally insane. I don’t think Barack Obama is a mentally stable person. I think he is an extremely dangerous man.”
This prompted Kincaid to explain his theory about how Obama may have been brainwashed into Communism as a young person while he was high:I think he’s wacked-out in the sense that I think if we go back to his history, especially in Hawaii when he came under the influence of the Communist Frank Marshall Davis who was himself a dope-smoker and an alcoholic, Obama we know was a member of the ‘Choom Gang.’ He was a heavy marijuana user. That had to have an effect on him. Maybe it’s clouded him some way, it enabled Davis to brainwash him. Of course we know he was raised partly as a Muslim. These are the ingredients that went into the combustible material that we see in the White House today, and the whole thing is threatening to explode.
Remind Me Again, Who Won That Russo-Japanese War?
M. Bouffant
Same pin-dick loser bullshit, different idiot country. Fuck nationalism, & everything the hell else, forever!President Putin has told senior officers of Russia’s domestic security service that despite the constantly increasing foreign pressure, the situation in the country will improve – once it stops giving in to its foes and starts becoming more powerful.
“No one has ever succeeded in intimidating or pressuring our country and no one ever will – we have always had and always will have an adequate answer for all internal and external threats to national security,” Vladimir Putin said in an address to the FSB collegium on Thursday.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Uncharted Pinnacle
M. Bouffant
MON 25 MAR 1940
Heavy cruiser Augusta (CA-31) is damaged when she strikes an uncharted pinnacle in Coron Bay, P.I.
Taking As Many As Possible W/ You?
M. Bouffant
Unconfirmed as yet, whatever. (Had been planning on advising the world of idiots [Redundant. — Ed.] that we don't need further speculation, esp. as the Germanwings [Huh? Really, how dopey izzat name?] 'plane didn't disappear into the ocean & the flight recorders have been located, but now that foul play is a distinct possibility, let's celebrate the human spirit, which can be summed up w/ the phrase "Rats in a cage!!")
America's Nearest Dearest & Greatest Ally Forever: Whatever Would We Do W/o Them?
M. Bouffant
It's a long one, but guess which great "democratic" & apparently permanent & never-to-be-questioned ally of the United Suckers maybe just maybe stole all the uranium (or plutonium, of course I haven't read the whole thing) needed to make their dirty-little-secret nuclear weapons from, surprise, these United Suckers, via a private atomic engineering outfit run by a Zionist?
More Musical Memories (W/ Measles)
M. Bouffant
Rock'n'Roll Wants You Dead
Yesterday one ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© posted an Eight-Eyed Spy f/ Lydia Lunch video somewhere which reminded this reporter of seeing, hearing & listening to said rockin' teen combo as they opened for FEAR at Doug Weston's Troubador 'bout 35 yrs. ago February. (1980, 'k?)Been there done that so what ordinarily, but at this gig I began to feel awfully ill, so wretched I did the vom in a dumpster behind the Troub as I staggered my way home to sleep, only to discover when I woke up I'd neither overindulged (or been doped) but simply had the measles. Which, judging from the two-wk. measles incubation period can be entirely blamed on the rock: Two wks. to the day prior I'd tagged along w/ the Angry Samoans to a gig in a common room in a dorm at U.C. Irvine (Or was it U.C. Fullerton?) (w/ Rhino 39);a gig at which I assaulted my immune system by drinking at least a pint of Wild Turkey in X (or fewer) mins. in the parking lot & was therefore liquored up enough to do The Worm (a "dance" involving rolling on the floor, like a horizontal mosh-pit) w/ a bunch of no doubt diseased college students &/or townies.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Cable Telebision Report
M. Bouffant
Currently viewing the Midland Rebels battle the Anacoco Indians for the Louisiana State Class B boys basketball championship on Fox College Sports Central.
Ignorance Is Strength:
The Ben Carson Story
M. Bouffant
He may be good w/ his hands, but Ben Carson, M.D., appears unable to gather the most basic information concerning the world around him.
The doctor's ignorance is not limited to dirty furriners & their weird ways (in which no real American could have any interest) he doesn't know shit from Shinola about the shithole where he lives, either:
Further evidence of how tenuous the doctor's connection to reality is:
Also wallowing in it: No More Mister Nice Blog.
Like a damn ten-yr. old: "They're weird! Why aren't they just like us?"The woman answered Carson's question about political parties, telling him that there were Labor and Likud and a host of other factions in the Knesset. "And what is the role of the Knesset?" he interjected. This prompted a tutorial on Israel's legislature. Carson is a tall, dignified-looking man with a placid, almost sleepy face. As he tried to concentrate on his Hebrew Schoolhouse Rock primer, he seemed even more fatigued. "It sounds complex," he finally said. "Why don't they just adopt the system we have?"
The doctor's ignorance is not limited to dirty furriners & their weird ways (in which no real American could have any interest) he doesn't know shit from Shinola about the shithole where he lives, either:
Here, the fear that dominates reactionary psychology:For instance, though he's answered criticism about his lack of experience by promising to rely heavily on his advisers, he has little notion of who or what he'd be looking for in his cabinet. When I asked him which secretary of state he most admired, he replied Condoleezza Rice—who, of course, happened to be the most recent person to hold that post in a Republican administration. Similarly, Robert Gates was Carson's favorite secretary of defense. And when I asked Carson to name his favorite secretary of the treasury, he was stumped. "Andrea Mitchell's husband," he eventually offered. I reminded him that Mitchell's husband, also known as Alan Greenspan, had actually been chairman of the Federal Reserve. "I don't know that there's anybody that really stands out to me as an outstanding treasury secretary. I mean, that's a pretty hard place to be outstanding," he finally said. "Secretaries of the treasury, for the most part, are not big policy people."
Did you shit your pants, Ben?"Perhaps we can move over here," the lieutenant colonel suggested, steering Carson's group to a quieter spot to discuss the nearby Syrian civil war. He claimed that most of the Islamist fighters weren't Syrian but came from Morocco and Europe. "It's just like the troublemakers in Ferguson," Carson said, betraying a habit of wedging the unfamiliar into a context he understands.
The lieutenant colonel tried to direct Carson's attention to a Syrian city in the distance, where some of the war's fiercest fighting has raged. But Carson seemed just as interested in his own location—and whether he was safely under the cover of Israel's vaunted missile-defense system. "Is this area right here protected by the Iron Dome?" he wondered.
The next day, Carson was standing on a pleasant hillside outside Jerusalem that overlooked a grove of olive trees; a shepherd tended his flock of sheep in the distance. Carson heard some noise from a construction site, and he flinched. "Was that machine-gun fire?" he asked.
Further evidence of how tenuous the doctor's connection to reality is:
Don't forget the projection:Already he's adopted positions that vex the black community. He's become a booster of GOP-backed voter-ID laws—which many African-Americans view as an effort to disenfranchise them but that Carson, citing largely discredited anecdotes of voter fraud, argues are necessary. And then there's Barack Obama, whose 95 percent share of the African-American vote Carson mainly attributes to ignorance. "I remember one of the man-on-the-street interviews with Jesse Watters"—the Fox News producer who does ambush interviews for Bill O'Reilly—"where he went to Harlem and he was asking people about Obama's policies, except they were all McCain's policies," Carson says. "And they were like, 'Oh yeah, it's brilliant!' 'What do you think of his vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin?' 'Oh, she's the best!' I think a lot of people are like that." (Like those voter-fraud anecdotes, this appears to be a figment of Carson's imagination: Fox News denies that such a segment ever aired.)
Yet another loves America hates Americans candidate from the G.O.P. Carson/Cruz 2016!!"He faces the same challenges you will face," Williams said of Obama as he spoke. "He's gotta convince people to believe him. That's all he's doing: selling his narrative."
"But he knows he's telling a lie!" Carson vented. "He's trying to sell what he thinks is not true! He's sitting there saying, 'These Americans are so stupid I can tell them anything.'"
Also wallowing in it: No More Mister Nice Blog.
Monday, March 23, 2015
How Long Before Gawd Tells
George Zimmerman To Kill Again?
M. Bouffant
A matter of time if you ask us.
“I believe God has his plans, and for me to second-guess them would be hypocritical, almost blasphemous,” he said when asked if he wished the encounter that ended Martin’s life would have turned out differently.Pray that Gawd doesn't have George pointed at you.
Zimmerman concluded by saying that it was “up to God” if he would ever be the person again that he was when he killed Martin.
“It’s up to God and I put it all in his hands and I do have faith that whatever he has planned out for me is what’s best for me. So whatever he’s determined whatever he has planned out for me I am along for the ride and I just hope to be strong enough to see his will be done.”
Here's A Question For The Heartland
M. Bouffant
So, should I be unfortunate enough to find myself in Indiana (I assume it would only be following an emergency landing/crash, Indiana being the definition of fly-over country.) I can at least refuse orders from the police, search warrants, whatever? Because you can bet your infidel ass that The Holy Anti-Bourgeois Church of Anti-Fascism (Semi-Reformed) forbids anyone, anywhere from obeying or issuing any orders, ever. (Some restaurants/drive-thrus excluded.)The bill would allow Indiana business owners to refuse service to customers based on their religious beliefs.
Supporters of the bill argue the measure is needed to protect Indiana business owners from too much government control. Opponents decry the measure as legalized discrimination.
Yet Another In The List Of Rat Bastards Who Didn't Die Soon Enough
M. Bouffant
Something at POLITICO worth reading, about another fucking Nazi glibertarian who probably should have died in WWII.
The cult of Lee Kuan Yew has poisoned Eastern Europe, but we should remember that it is also a global phenomenon. Brilliant Western intellectuals, CEOs and leaders created this cult over many years at Davos and other conferences and summits of the global power elite, thus fueling the authoritarian temptation in Eastern Europe.
Vladimir Putin, Viktor Yanukovych, Mikhail Saakashvili — all knew full well that the Singaporean authoritarian was viewed with respect and awe in the West. They knew it so well they hoped to emulate his very success.
Yet these eulogies for Lee’s brand of authoritarianism have sounded like a siren song in Eastern Europe. And I believe they point to something deeper and more troubling. They reveal, on some level, a lack of confidence among our supposed democratic elites in the very idea of democracy.
Lee Kuan Yew would no doubt approve.
Inane Fantasy Report
M. Bouffant
Now imagine an ass shitting on a human face forever & you have Cruz's future for us.Imagine you compiled a list of all the things Cruz asked his young audience to “imagine” being fulfilled through his presidency:
- “…millions of courageous conservatives rising up to say in unison, ‘we demand our liberty.’”
- “…millions of people in faith all across America coming out to the polls and voting our values.”
- “…millions of young people standing together saying ‘We will stand for liberty.’”
- “…booming economic growth”
- “…record number of small businesses”
- “…young people coming out of college with four, five, six job offers” (lulz)
- “…innovation thriving on the internet as government regulators and tax collectors are kept at bay.”
- “…America finally becoming energy self-sufficient.”
- “…a new president signing legislation repealing every word of Obamacare.”
- “…health care reform that keeps government out of the way of your and your doctor.”
- “…a simple flat tax.”
- “…abolishing the IRS.”
- “…a president that finally, finally, finally secures the borders.”
- “…a legal immigration that welcomes and celebrates those who come to achieve the America dream.”
- “…a federal government that stands for the First Amendment rights of every American.”
- “…a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of life and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.”
- “…a federal government that fights to keep the right to bear arms.”
- “…a federal government that protected the privacy rights of every American.”
- “…repealing every word of Common Core.”
- “…embracing school choice as the civil rights issue of the next generation.”
- “…a president who stands unapologetically with the nation of Israel.”
- “…a president who says I will honor the Constitution and under no circumstances will Iran be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon.”
- “…a president who says we will stand up and defeat radical Islamic terrorism.”
- “…it’s 1775.”
- “…it’s 1777.”
- “…it’s 1943.”
- “…it’s 1979.”
Ted Cruz Remembers
M. Bouffant
One moron asks another moron a moronic question, for an audience of morons:
CANADA!!!"What is it, for a guy that went to Princeton and Harvard—how does a guy that went to these elite institutions become really the voice of the middle class and working class of this country?" asked host Steve Bannon.
"Well, look, I think the real question is remembering where you came from," said Cruz.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Long Winter Night
M. Bouffant
THU 21 MAR 1940
Auxiliary Bear (AG-29) and Interior Department motorship North Star (U.S. Antarctic Service) depart Bay of Whales for the United States. Staying behind are the men who will spend the long winter night at East and West Bases.
Ooh Poo Pah Doo!
M. Bouffant
Do join us in a Saturday afternoon stroll along Nostalgia Lane, pausing at the corner of Idiot Avenue to remember that attention was once paid to Pamela Gellar, an iNternet pioneer of the post-2001 "Hold me daddy, I'm scared of the furriners" approach to foreign policy. She's now at the "The enemy's within!!!1!" stage of whatever devolution these people go through, condemning America's "poo culture" & reviling Jon Stewart w/ the standard "self-loathing" stuff. But why type more when a pass of the cursor & a click will do: Yes, P.G. started a paragraph quoting Ayn Rand & finished it by bemoaning "the exaltation of the crank".
P.S.: If you weren't brave enough to click the WND link, you missed this:
In a WorldNetDaily column today about how the U.S. suffers from “an absence of the good” and “an abundance of poo,” conservative pundit Pamela Geller claims that modern American culture is best illustrated by “the popular emoticon found on phones today, of a happily smiling pile of excrement.”
Geller is especially angry with Jon Stewart, blaming him for the rise of America’s “poo generation.” Stewart, Geller writes, “should have given the ‘Most Disgusting Jew on the Planet Award’” at the Oscars last month.
“This vicious traitor, smug and self-righteous, has long been working for the other side under the guise of comedy” she writes. “Vile. Jon Stewart defines self-loathing Jew. But that’s not enough. He means to take us down with him.”In every generation, there are icons that sum up its core values – not official ones, but symbols that really mean something to people: Rosie the Riveter, the American flag, Elvis Presley, the motorcycle jacket, the defeatist “peace sign” and now the tyrannical “Coexist” bumper sticker. There are symbols that sum up the zeitgeist of a time, a generation.
The popular emoticon found on phones today, of a happily smiling pile of excrement, is just that. It best exemplifies the low state of the world, of the culture, and of America itself in the age of the primitive. It signifies America’s rapid decay in the wake of the left’s decades-long war on Americanism, freedom and individual rights. The absence of morality – and by morality, I mean a code of values – has led to an absence of the good. And an abundance of poo.
The culture is ugly. Ugly as poo. The music is ugly, violent and misogynistic. Every crime drama and suspense series is rife with the most unimaginable gore. “Game of Thrones,” “Law and Order (Sex Crimes),” “American Horror Story” – they’re all devoid of humanity and morality. Devoid of goodness. It’s a cultural rout. It’s not that the line between good and evil has been blurred – it’s nonexistent. We are living in a cultural free-for-all, or more accurately, a free fall.
American traitor Edward Snowden got an Oscar; American hero Chris Kyle got the middle finger. Even the traitorous far-left journalist Glenn Greenwald got an Oscars shout-out. Of course Hollywood would reward vicious traitors. There was no way the Hollywood establishment was going to give an Oscar to Clint Eastwood after he so delightfully skewered Obama’s empty chair. And their disdain for Americanism and the military is infused in everything they churn out.
Sharing their disdain for America is Jon Stewart, to whom they should have given the “Most Disgusting Jew on the Planet Award.” No contest. After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ground-breaking speech to Congress last week, Stewart scoffed at the many standing ovations Netanyahu received as the “longest bl-wjob a Jewish man has ever received.”
This vicious traitor, smug and self-righteous, has long been working for the other side under the guise of comedy. Vile. Jon Stewart defines self-loathing Jew. But that’s not enough. He means to take us down with him.
He is leaving Comedy Central, thankfully. But don’t get too happy; they’ll turn the show over to another leftist radical. When does Dennis Miller or someone like that get an HBO or Comedy Central gig? The cultural landscape is under siege by these killers.
And what’s next for Stewart? Politics, I fear.
As if Israel didn’t have enough problems …
Ayn Rand said, “There are two aspects of man’s existence which are the special province and expression of his sense of life: love and art.” Both of which have all but been extinguished in the era of amoralism – reflected in cultural rot and the exaltation of the crank.
This is where we are now. In the poo generation.
P.S.: If you weren't brave enough to click the WND link, you missed this:
Pamela Geller’s commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books –P.P.S.: I was curious; here's additional reading, from August 2014. P.G. featured prominently; no one else cares:
featured at the WND Superstore
Four years after ‘Ground Zero mosque’ controversy,
plans for another Islamic facility spur a different reaction
Law Enforcement Up-Date
M. Bouffant
Just so you know:
- Normand clarifies some inaccuracies reported by sheriff's office last night. Says no traveler was grazed by a bullet as originally reported. TSA agent was being chased by Richard White as he waved the machete. JSPO lieutenant's first shot wounded female TSA agent when bullet passed through White and struck agent in tricep.
Moi, Alors, J'En Ai Marre
M. Bouffant
Fuck you all & your world of liars, cheaters, thieves & murderers: This millenium blows & I'm outta here, heading for the '90s!
Vine St. Update
M. Bouffant
Last wk. sometime I got a shot of BuzzFeed Motion Pictures, the day after the L.A. Times (unknown to this reporter) ran this:
BuzzFeed Motion Pictures videos reach 1 billion monthly viewsWhatever.I note only that the previous tenant of the now BF building (on the right, not the PICKFORD CENTER FOR MOTION PICTURE STUDY in the background) was a BigLots!® store. Now the closest one is in South Pasadena. Fuck the world.
Friday, March 20, 2015
It's Here!
M. Bouffant
Not that one would necessarily notice. Nonetheless, upper hemisphere-wise, it is spring ...
The Dialectic,
Un-Earthly Activities,
Why Bother?
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Open (Musical) Letter From
Los Angeles To Your Empty World
(Of Shit & Pain)
M. Bouffant
Dep't. of 'Phoning It In:
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Raging Drool
M. Bouffant
"Ma'am ... ma'am ..."Poor woman wants to say "nigger" so badly she's about to explode. A Jezebel commenter has sussed her out. Gawd bless America's little heart.
Added fun from Jezebel's transcript:
When do thereeducation camps open, damnit? WE'RE LOSING OUR COUNTRY111!!!
Added fun from Jezebel's transcript:
Obama tried to blow up a nuke in Charleston a few months ago and the three Admirals and Generals. He has totally destroyed our military. He has fired all the Generals and all the Admirals who said they wouldn't fire on the American people if they ask 'em to do so if he wanted to take the guns away from 'em. This man is a Communist dictator.Right Wing Watch clarifies:
In case you aren’t familiar, several far-right outlets and pundits have embraced a bizarre claim that Obama tried to nuke Charleston as part of a potential false flag operation.No, we weren't familiar w/ that one. Except this version. Are these people confusing telebision fiction of 32 yrs.ago w/ reality? Yes. They confuse everything w/ the fiction of 30+ yrs. ago.
When do the
Neener Neener You Fucking Nazis!
M. Bouffant
![]() |
Nazimobile in Athens. Temple of Hephæstus in background. |
"It is our firm belief that questions of reparations and compensation have been legally and politically resolved," said Steffen Seibert, the spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel."Let's put this behind us & move on" the guilty always say.
"We should concentrate on current issues and, hopefully what will be a good future," he added.
Well, hold on, Hitler:
Several senior Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens in Germany have for the first time said their nation should consider paying reparations to Greece for Nazi crimes committed during the second world war, breaking ranks with Angela Merkel’s government.
Relations between Germany and Greece have deteriorated as Athens tries to renegotiate its bailout terms and Berlin fears it will ditch previously agreed financial promises.
The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, who is due to meet Merkel in Berlin on Monday, has accused Germany of using tricks to avoid paying reparations. One of his ministers raised the prospect of seizing German property to compensate victims of a Nazi massacre.
While Berlin says it has honoured its obligations, including a DM115m payment to Greece in 1960 (around £45m at the time), some mainstream German politicians have gone against government policy and said it was impossible to draw a line under the highly charged issue.
“We should make a financial approach to victims and their families,” said Gesine Schwan, a respected member of the Social Democrat party (SPD), who share power with Merkel’s conservatives.
“It would be good for us Germans to sweep up after ourselves in terms of our history,” she told Spiegel Online. “Victims and descendants have longer memories than perpetrators and descendants,” said Schwan, twice-nominated as a candidate for German president.
Resentment in Greece runs deep over the German occupation. Nazi forces destroyed scores of Greek villages and killed more than 20,000 civilians between 1941 and 1944. In a chatshow on ARD television on Sunday, the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, said the issue was about morals, not money.
“Personally I would be happy if one euro is paid. As long as there was recognition that this moral debt has been settled,” he said, adding that he was speaking as an individual.
A further question hangs over an “occupation loan” forced on the Bank of Greece, which some experts put at €11bn. Schwan said the occupation loan must “of course be repaid“.
The SPD deputy chairman, Ralf Stegner, representing the party’s left, said reparations should not be linked to the euro crisis. “But independently, we must have a discussion about reparations,” Stegner told Spiegel. “After decades, there are still international legal questions to be resolved.“
M. Bouffant
Forgot all about this possible horror but alicublog mentioned Mme. McArdle's latest so now you must suffer. Or not, it came on the telly & I hit mute/changed the channel/listened to music or something, so no one is obligated to click "watch now" or the play triangle/arrow. (Why such redundancy, MSNBC?)
Today In Racism From A Hoor
M. Bouffant
Here's the hoor (On the left. I assume the one on the right is a "john".):Here's the racism:
Can we just sell Nevada & Arizona back to Mexico, cheap?In comments defending a proposed voter ID law, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R) suggested that racism is over, so opponents should no longer be “using the race card.” She then used an offensive racial term common in the 1960s to describe an African American colleague.
According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Fiore objected to witness testimony that the voter ID proposal would disproportionately disenfranchise minority voters, as similar laws have already done in other states. “We’re in 2015 and we have a black president, in case anyone didn’t notice,” she observed during a committee hearing on the bill. Fiore also asked the Nevada director of the NAACP National Voter Fund, “At what point do we stop dividing by design? And at what point do we stop using the race card?”
Fiore also identified Assemblyman Harvey Munford (D) as the first “colored man to graduate from his high school.”
In recent weeks, Fiore has made national headlines for her suggestions that cancer is a fungus that can simply be washed out and that “hot little girls on campus” need to carry guns to prevent rape. She was removed from her position as Republican Majority Leader in December over allegations of more than $1 million in tax liens.
In 2012, she proposed arming school officials and college students as a way of combating school shootings.
The Republican majority in the Nevada legislature has made clear that voter ID is a high priority since winning control last November. But supporters struggled at the hearing to identify any actual examples of voter fraud that would have been prevented by requiring photo ID at the polls.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
The Schaden Types Itself
M. Bouffant
Ha ha. Remember those sci-fi stories wherein someone in the far far future (1990, mebbe?) wakes up & prints the daily dog-trainer from the giant (possibly refrigerated) devil-box, which has also just made the coffee-maker make coffee & has the robo-stove cooking breakfast?
A retired editor at the Los Angeles Times pinged me last week to observe how thin his home-delivered papers have been feeling. He also noticed that, after many decades, the Times last week stopped listing the total number of pages in that day's paper under the nameplate on the front page.Plus which:
And, yes, the weekday papers now cost $2 on the street.Ha ha ha.
Two Down, Two To Go!
M. Bouffant
Right to farther right: Jim Hoft, the late Andrew Breitbart, about-to-be-driven-from-office Ill. Rep. Rep. A. Schock, Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit. (What does "insta" mean?)
Nothing that Rep. Schock did, mind you, just all those questions:
Nothing that Rep. Schock did, mind you, just all those questions:
"But the constant questions over the last six weeks have proven a great distraction that has made it too difficult for me to serve the people of the 18th District with the high standards that they deserve and which I have set for myself. I have always sought to do what's best for my constituents and I thank them for the opportunity to serve.
Today In Green Vomit & Other
Stupid Crap About Which We Could Not Possibly Care Any Fucking Less
M. Bouffant
Monday, March 16, 2015
Panama Pres. Pissed, Protests
M. Bouffant
SAT 16 MAR 1940
President of Panama transmits protest to King of England over British violation of Pan-American Neutrality Zone in the Wakama Incident that took place off the coast of Brazil on 12 February.
The Birds & The Zebras
M. Bouffant
Rogue owl caught after year-long reign of terror in Dutch town
European eagle owl suspected of more than 50 attacks on humans in Purmerend, Netherlands
WHITE COUNTY, Ark. (KTHV) -- A White County man is said to have been attacked by a zebra Sunday night.
According to Cpl. Steve Hernandez, deputies with the White County Sheriff's Office were called in reference to a man being attacked by his own zebra. The man is said to have been transferred from White County to UAMS for treatment.
Cpl. Hernandez said because the man owned the zebra, there isn't much authorities can do at this point.
Leslie Taylor with UAMS told THV11 Monday afternoon that the man is listed in serious condition.
The Ten Commandments At Work
M. Bouffant
Hey, Judgie, how's that Ten Commandments bullshit working out for ya? Doesn't keep even your own family from sinning (allegedly) does it?
*Ever consider walking w/ the Lord more & riding w/ the reefer less? Even better, the entire Moore family could shut the fuck up & walk w/ their feudal Lord right off a cliff.
Kee-rist, what an asshole. Justice Moore, not his son, an obvious victim from his very name onward, but still pretty much a moron. Apple/acorn, tree & all.The son of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore was arrested Sunday for drug possession near the scene of an attempted break-in, court records show.
Caleb Moore, 24, was charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana.
According to court documents, officers responded to the 1200 block of Allen Street in Troy to a report of an attempted home break-in. They found five men, including Moore, outside near a pickup truck that smelled strongly of marijuana.
After the men said there were no drugs in the vehicle, officers searched the truck and found a bag of marijuana in the glove compartment, along with Moore's passport. Several Xanax pills also were found in the bag.
Moore was arrested and taken to the city jail. He was released on bond totaling $8,500.
His first court appearance is set for April 7 before Pike County District Judge William Hightower.
In January, Moore told AL.com that he has done things he isn't proud of and acted "young and immature," but "that's why God gives us salvation."
"I've done nothing more than any other college kids," he told AL.com "Because of who I am, it gets blown out of proportion. Since then I've got in a closer walk with the Lord.* Whatever anyone says about me, it doesn't bother me. The people who know me and know what's true can really see what's going on here and see through critics of my dad."
Court records show that, in 2013, Moore pleaded guilty to drug-related charges in St. Clair County and was sentenced to probation. In 2011, he was arrested and charged with drug possession and driving under the influence in Etowah County. He applied to be treated as a youthful offender.
*Ever consider walking w/ the Lord more & riding w/ the reefer less? Even better, the entire Moore family could shut the fuck up & walk w/ their feudal Lord right off a cliff.
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