Saturday, October 4, 2014

Stairway To Hellish Boredom

If I hear more idiot actors spouting tiresome humanity & its fucking destiny bullshit cranked out by a cliché-programmed robotHollywood screenwriter who stole it from every pulp sci-fi hack of the 1930s & '40s I'll ... I'll ... I'll be so bored & disgusted I'll save my money & take a nap instead.How's that for a glorious destiny among the stars? Mr. Screenwriter seems to gloss over our wonderful species having shit its own nest, forcing it to its "interstellar destiny." ("It's a cookbook!")


mikey said...

Hollywood hates physics. The only movies that even came close to grappling with the distances and travel times associated with interstellar travel was the Alien(s) franchise, and while they did suspended animation the time involved was unclear and was certainly less than the hundreds or thousands of years that would be required...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Do not feed hallucinogens to the alligators.

M. Bouffant said...

Suspension of Disbelief Editor:>
W/o interstellar travel, sci-fi is all spending three yrs. getting from one end of the solar system to the other. Whatcha gonna do?

Speaking of, I'm not sure I believe that photo.

Weird Dave said...

Just give me the machine that bends the laws of space and time...