Friday, October 3, 2014

Northbound Nutmobile

Were I to drive (myself to the Acorn Academy) I can't think of a more a propos vehicle than the Nutmobile.

Wouldn't Peanutmobile defuse most of the to-be-expected Nutmobile jokes? The ha-ha connotations of crazy alone, not to mention other uses of nut & the Nutmobile's unfortunate resemblance to certain portions of certain anatomies, IYKWIM, would give me pause before rolling out the Nutmobile. Or I'm a loon w/ a filthy mind.

Hey! Don't Wisc. plates have "America's Dairyland" on them anymore?


21 Wits said...

What a tastefully cool vehicle to happen on! I believe most all regular automobile plates still do have it. Only now in small print on the bottom of the plate.

Weird Dave said...

From the southbound side.