What we've learned is that for all their armor and firepower, you really, REALLY don't want to be riding around in one of these 80 ton coffins in combat. It's one thing to roll into a town full of peasants with AKs and PKMs - you're not gonna find better protection from IEDs. But you get out there rolling into contested ground against modern ATGMs and you're gonna learn some hard lessons about depending on obsolete armor on the 21st century battlefield. In 2006 Hezbollah damaged or crippled 52 Merkava tanks and you haven't seen Israeli armor charging back into Lebanon since...
What we've learned is that for all their armor and firepower, you really, REALLY don't want to be riding around in one of these 80 ton coffins in combat. It's one thing to roll into a town full of peasants with AKs and PKMs - you're not gonna find better protection from IEDs. But you get out there rolling into contested ground against modern ATGMs and you're gonna learn some hard lessons about depending on obsolete armor on the 21st century battlefield. In 2006 Hezbollah damaged or crippled 52 Merkava tanks and you haven't seen Israeli armor charging back into Lebanon since...
No, it's a real fuckin' tank.
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