Monday, March 31, 2014


Bullshit Fantasy:
In a capitalist market, governed by the invisible hand of supply and demand, sellers are constantly searching for new technologies to increase productivity, allowing them to reduce the costs of producing their goods and services so they can sell them cheaper than their competitors, win over consumers and secure sufficient profit for their investors. Marx never asked what might happen if intense global competition some time in the future forced entrepreneurs to introduce ever more efficient technologies, accelerating productivity to the point where the marginal cost of production approached zero, making goods and services "priceless" and potentially free, putting an end to profit and rendering the market exchange economy obsolete. But that's now beginning to happen.
You can not possibly believe that your corporate bosses will let anything of the sort happen. Your bosses will work you 'til you're in your graves, & it's due to your bosses' deep-seated psychological problems & personal issues, not actual need for degraded labor. Which is probably why you sheep keep taking it. What a horrid species.

And just in passing, if you don't realize there will be many a campaign to "rid us of this surplus labor problem" (GENOCIDE!!!) well, go ahead & get in that cattle car to a new life in the east.


mikey said...

It's actually robots and intelligent machines that are going to increase productivity to the point where the marginal cost of production IS zero.

Of course, the problem is that those robots and machines will be owned by the owners of capital, not labor, so the system will be structured such that enough people have enough money to pay for the goods the robots are making, and everyone else will have to starve to death...

M. Bouffant said...

Things Editor:
"Starving to death" sounds a bit passive, but the robots may not bother exterminating the/any survivors.

Weird Dave said...