Thursday, February 27, 2014

Donalde Dumbass

Removing images from the hard drive & came across this:
So how'd that campaign end, D.D.?

And how's this yr.'s campaign shaping up? Like this:
Alas, crypto-fascist (Not really so "crypto," is he?) Douglas doesn't want the truth. My feelings are so hurt.
When Ted Nugent was calling someone a "subhuman mongrel" recently he may have meant Professor Douglas. What a maroon.

I've no idea & barely care (probably applies to the Wikipedia entry as well) but if this is how the Reactionary Party slate is shaking out ...
This party is messed up. The field may be so full of fuckheads because it's a nonpartisan blanket primary again this yr. Wouldn't surprise me (but I'm mighty jaded & hard to surprise) if Democratic horses were first & second once the dust clears.

Here is declared Loony Party candidate Tim Donnelly & a friend or two.Hmmmm. A Venezuelan & a Tim Donnelly. Sensing Popery? I AM! (And a desperate appeal to Hispanic voters. M.C. Alonso? What, Vikki Carr was busy?)


Weird Dave said...

Banned by all the best - or would that be worst? - websites.

M. Bouffant said...

Types Dirty Editor:
Had no idea, haven't hit American Pow-wuh for some time. He's sure a superlative something.