Friday, February 14, 2014

I ♡ U

Lessee ... mmmm, been an entire seven wks. since a national day of enforced giving. Surprised your plastic consumer gewgaw economy can last close to two months w/o some stimulus rammed down your throat.

Or up ♅.


OBS said...

Aww, we heart you too!


M. Bouffant said...

Symbolic Editor:
Careful, or we'll ♣ you after we ♠ your pets!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Just like Donna Summer, you feel love?

M. Bouffant said...

Indigestion Editor:
Oh, izzat love? Was thinking something I et.

P.S.: Worked w/ Ms. Summer 38(!!!!1!!) yrs. ago (Bicentennial Summer!) videotaping rehearsals before her first American tour so she, singers & band could check themselves & present well on stage. No bad (or esp. "good") stories to tell beyond that.