Back from Xmas eve whatever, greeted by this:
By all that is unholy (&, therefore, honest) a certain management co. will be a burned-out flooded ruin by the end of the yr., the bodies of the employees having been burned beyond recognition after they were drowned. Except those beaten to death w/ a pipe, preferably the same pipe that broke in the bunker's kitchen ceiling. (Just Another Blog [From L.A.]™ is all about the punishment* fitting the crime. Yet the mgmnt. co. are mere inconsequential street thugs. Wait'll we find the slumlord who gives the orders to the rest of this criminal conspiracy. Can't hide for long, pal.)
If this was human error, like some drunk fuck leaving the sink running, we can only hope the blood that drains from the body of a soon-to-be-former upstairs neighbor(s) doesn't leak down here. Because then we'd really be mad!!!!
(Probably as well we aren't armed [Or are we? Don't be too certain that everything typed here is true, would-be burglars.] considering how low the patience, how high the blood pressure & how incredible & incessant the aggravation we live under.)
*Which is always death. Not unjustly applied mind you. Everyone gets it, for anything! Completely fair.
1 comment:
Well that sucks. Merry Fucking Christmas.
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