Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Medical Notes From All Over

We're glad this has been cleared up.

Federal Appeals Court: Police
Can’t Paralyze You To Search
Your Body For Drugs

Course for this to be in court, someone had to have been paralyzed & probed by order of the police. (Or aliens.) Let's take a closer look at the story ... Nope, no mention of what the Tennessee Dep't. of Health's Board of Medical Examiners thinks of the moral equivalent of Dr. Mengele busily violating the Hippocratic Oath right there in Oak Ridge. (Cheap shot to ask if these people's parents suffered Manhattan Project-related chromosome damage? Or if their brains have been fried by radioactivity?)
Ultimately, a doctor found a rock of crack cocaine weighing about 5 grams that was used to convict Booker and sentence him to five years in prison. The court found that the police had taken suspects to this same doctor when they suspected drugs in the anal cavity, and that they “effectively used Dr. LaPaglia as a tool to perform a search on Booker’s person.”
Physician, heal thyselfthink about what your life has become: You're the guy the pigs come to when they want in someone's ass. Really, "Dr." LaPaglia, poopie-doodie? How pathetically Freudian.


BadTux said...

Hey now, proctologists gotta make a living too, y'know. *SOMEBODY* has to be the asshole doctor, assholes don't take care of themselves!

- Badtux the Waddling Penguin

M. Bouffant said...

Bent Over Editor:
After that last check-up, we'll just bet you're "waddling."