Friday, August 9, 2013

Joke Of The Day

Democracy is an unfunny joke; the sooner Americans face that & resist the better.
“We gotta fix that,” the president said in his victory speech last November, following his reelection. The “that” in need of fixing was our broken and unequal election system. And we all agreed. There should be fixing. So why hasn’t there been any yet?
Gee, why would that be?

Maybe the undifferentiated tissue that is the American people should not-vote, rendering any & all government illegitimate; then some of the government can be put against the wall where they belong.

But knowing Americans, nothing will ever be done. It's futile, it's sad; stop pretending!


mikey said...

Shut down the Senate, go to a parliamentary system, separate the head of state from the head of government, let the majority party form a governing coalition and enact their policies.

And fer fucks sake start appointing some non-lawyers to the Supreme Court...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

But we're gonna get that spying on everybody thing fixed, yeah you betcha!