Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gawd Bless Our Terrorist Nation

Worth several thousand words.
Text outsourced to Robert Scheer.
Oh, the irony.


mikey said...

I am a child of atomic war
You are the daughter of the overlord

And some other stuff...

Weird Dave said...

My father told me that he believed the atomic bomb saved his life (by not having to die in the invasion of Japan).

Well, maybe.

In any case, nuclear weapons have been used during war twice, both times by the same nation. That is some serious shit.

And - not that it makes much difference - Nagasaki was worse.

Weird Dave said...

As a correction, I would like to say that the modern consensus considers Hiroshima to have had the higher casualty count.

However, my larger point - Well, maybe. - still stands.