Wednesday, August 21, 2013

History & Ignorance Repeated

In the endless & futile hyperloop of existence, America's sheep, in their over-reaction to a couple month's worth of American firearm deaths compressed into one day a long time ago (& not committed by their fellow Americans, whose Gawd-given Second Amendment right to blow shit up & people away is not to be questioned) paid scant attention to the passage of laws concerning the acquisition of information & intelligence. (What but reaction could be expected from a center-right, basically conservative nation?)

And what few who knew forgot soon enough, what w/ all the squirrels & Kardashian stories distracting them. Per this dude anyhoo.We like that the above four mins. & two secs. is open to interpretation: Was Joy Reid trying to stop Eichenwald before he could get to more facts? Was Kurt carrying water for the administration/nat'l. security establishment, as Greenwald claimed? Either way, nearly six yrs. ago we had the poop on how you are so screwed but George W. Bush was Prez which made it O.K. & no one gave a shit.

So fuck alla youse. Why. Fucking. Bother? No one listens, no one remembers, no one cares, no one could/would do anything if they did care anyway, whoever the fuck's President, but it's still disappointing. (We're not hurt as much as we're disppointed.) And it is oooh-ver. All of it.

And yes, the iNternet (at least our modem) stopped while we were typing this. Coincidence, we are sure. (Or [takes a beat] THEY ARE FUCKING W/ US ALREADY. HELP!!)

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