Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Day over half-done, not a post to show for it. Here's some recent building up:


Substance McGravitas said...

There's a building in Vancouver that used to have a rich person who'd ride a pony around the upper balconies.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I've been "working" on a post since yesterday.

As a (feeble) defense, it now has some pics from today.

But it's still not posted, because not working is hard work.

BadTux said...

Holy crap, someone needs to tell the landlord of that building that he needs ta clean his roof, 'cause it got green stuff growin' out of it!

- Badtux the Helpful Penguin

M. Bouffant said...


This too looks like rich people doing something awful up there.

The landlord should have gotten rid of the pigeon poop up there before that shit sprouted.