Sunday, May 30, 2010

If It Weren't for The Internet We Could Ignore This Rot

The World's Greatest Music Contest - and you just missed it

Contest? Why not just have a fucking war? Been done w/ soccer. And are we somehow mistaken to believe that the Ay-rabs & Moose-lims have turned Europe, from Iceland to the Urals, into a mandatory burqa zone? Doesn't look it here, but for all we know Al-Jazeera is running the whole thing.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I was happy to check a few of those out.

But Holy FSM, HuffPo kicks my Windoze Machine's ass.

Could they possibly put anymore crap, scripts, ads, and malware on their page?

This is also why I hesitate to click on Gawker.

M. Bouffant said...

From Our Musical Editor:

We meant "awful." Couldn't even get through enough to determine the suck factor for embedding worthiness.